Return - Sophie's POV

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Sophie's flickered across the landscape, as she breathed in the clean air for the first time in years.

"Would you look at that?" she murmured under her breath to her boyfriend.

Keefe started at her voice, his eyes not needing to move to her as he had already been staring anyways. "Look at what?"

Sophie wanted to say home, but the word died on her lips. Not home. Home was the Forbidden Cities, always.

Instead, she said, "It's changed."

And indeed, it had.

"The only thing that would get me to move back here would be if you wanted to come back," Keefe commented, his voice more than a little bitter.

Sophie glanced at him briefly, their eyes connecting. "I wouldn't want to move back, Keefe. You do know that, right? This isn't home."

He shrugged, tearing his gaze from hers. "I would do anything for you."

"Anything?" she asked, her tone teasing as she tried to lighten the mood.

"Anything," he repeated.

"Well then, would you tell me how you pulled off the Great Gulon prank? I never got to hear about that."

That was all it took for Keefe's eyes to light up, shining with that old mischievousness. "It wasn't me that pulled that off," he defended once again, "just because the prankster was supposedly male and had great hair doesn't mean that I'm the prankster." He paused.

Sophie stole his next words right off his tongue, knowing exactly what he was about to say with a smile. "But you do have great hair, don't you?"

"So maybe it could've been me," he whispered in fake awe, aware that both of them knew he'd done it.

Sophie bopped him on the nose, laughing lightly at his stunned, cross-eyed expression. "Maybe it could've been."

Keefe pouted at that, the way that made her always just wanted to grab him and kiss him because he was just too cute. "You're mean."

She lifted up his hand, which was in hers, lightly giving it a chaste kiss. "Love you too, Keefe."


Laughing noises came from inside Havenfield, and Sophie recognized her foster, Elvin parents' voices.

Smiling, she pushed inside, greeted by the sight of little Dulce already standing and clapping her hands together. "Mallowmelt," she squealed happily, launching herself at Grady once more.

It took a moment for them to realize there was someone else in the room.

"Sophie Elizabeth Foster!" Edaline yelled, getting up off of the floor, running to tackle her in a hug. Dark circles lined her eyes, but she'd never looked happier. "It's about time you visited!"

"Can't breathe," she managed to squeak out from inside her mother's choke hold.

"Dulcey, do you remember Sophie?" Grady was asking her sibling behind them. It brought a smile to her lips. "She's your sister, and she's come to visit."

"So-phie" Dulce tried for the first time in a while, letting a big grin light up her face. Despite the fact that she was six, Edaline and Grady couldn't help but spoil their little girl. "I remember you!"

She launched herself at Sophie, giving her a great big hug. Sophie reciprocated with equal enthusiasm.

"You're in luck," Edaline told her. "I just made a new batch of mallowmelt for Dulce, but it looks like she'll have to share."

"Mallowmelt!" Dulce screeched once again, getting off her in a hurry to sprint towards the table.

Sophie grinned, getting up and running after the six-year-old with too much energy. "Hey! I want some of that!"


A/N: i forget who requested i do something on keefe and sophie coming back to the elvin world, but someone did. i just had to add in more Dulce time while i was at it, you know me.

i'll be putting up another one where she reunites with the group another time. it's already written, so when you read this feel free to bug me on my feed.

and yes, i had to put the cute october gif up there. vote, comment, share <3

(the song that's up above is irrelevant to this chapter, i'm just obsessed with it. that's right, real professional owl.)

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