Bumper Cars II - Sophie's POV

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Sophie's POV | Third Person
They were standing right outside the entrance.

"They're cars," Sophie tried to explain. "Find the gas pedal and hit that to go. Twist the steering wheel to steer. Your goal is to ram as many people as you can with your car."

"Is that safe?" Keefe asked, frowning. "Wouldn't you hurt the person. In the other car?"

"Of course it's safe," she cried, exasperated. She'd been trying to explain it to him for quite a while now. She gave the ticket person their tickets in exchange for money. She told Keefe to go sit in a car, doing the same herself  immeadiately afterwards. He was smart; he was an elf, after all. He could figure it out.

A horn blared, signaling the start of the bumping.

Sophie slammed into a clueless Keefe with the smugest smirk she'd ever worn adorned on her face.

In his red car, he was struggling. The pedals were hard for him, but he was struggling the most with the steering wheel.

Keefe hit random kids with his car, while she used hers to place strategic hits on his car: not around back. He needed to see her smug face. Every. Single. Time.

This was the first time Sophie was better than him when doing anything relatively normal, without abilities.

And she was loving it.





Sophie was amazing at bumper cars, and although she was slightly rusty, she was kicking her boyfriend's beautiful butt,


"Again?" Sophie asked Keefe innocently, as soon as they were back in the crowds. She was relishing the sour look on his face.

She, of course, already knew the answer.

"Absolutley not!" Her boyfriend shrieked, eyes wide.

"But what if I wanna go again?" She asked, her eyes round and gleaming. She glanced up at him through her lashes, hoping to be even more convincing. Her lips fell into a teasing pout.

Keefe paled, blinking hard. He thought she was serious. "Um..."

"I'm kidding!" She laughed, hitting him lightly on the chest. His face was priceless.

"You're lucky I love you," he growled playfully.

"Love you too," Sophie replied, putting some of her hair behind her ear.

She'd grown a lot more confident with Keefe by her side constantly. He made her insecurities disappear with just one glance, and now she was more comfortable with him rather than anyone (elf or human, alike) else.

Smiling up at him, she went on her tiptoes to peck his cheek.

Keefe turned his head at the last minute, causing her to land a kiss on his lips.

The urgency and roughness behind it left Sophie gasping for air, gulping as mch as she could as soon as he pulled away slightly.

"You hurt my ego," he whispered, his warm breath blowing across her tingling lips. "Don't be such a tease, Sophie."

She blushed, smacking him in the chest. "I'm a tease? Just shut up and kiss me, Keefe!"
A/N: That concludes bumper cars for now. I've already gotten a few more requests from some of my other readers for this story, so I will be writing those soon. Normally I do week updates, but I figured that for this one it would be nice to just do updates that weren't too far apart. It's part one and part two, after all.

Speaking of which, ilovekotlc I hope that you are satisfied with this. I wasn't really sure what to put that Sophie was really good at, because let's be real, she's a bit...athletically challenged. Or well, she's got no coordination for sports, so naturally Keefe would have to be better in that area.

I'll be back soon.And guys? Please vote. Please comment. I love seeing you guys's comments on all of my stories, and on this book in particular, I'm not getting many comments, even when I know that a lot of you guys are following me.

Owl ~

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