Droplet - Wylie & Linh's POVs

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This takes place somewhere in the midst of Flashback. Spoilers may be included. You've been warned.

Yes, I'm being slightly fickle with my writing style. And the way this all is represented. So what? Merry belated Christmas to you all!~

This is a oneshot, and is not related to anything in the PWF series. Sorry to disappoint.

To anyone who's not a follower of mine, i've got a new angsty book out, so if you're into that sort of thing - bring it on!


WYLIE was sure that nothing could ever be normal. If there was one thing he was sure of, it was that.

After the attack on him by the Neverseen, he was constantly paranoid, constantly bracing for something. Fear ran through his bones perhaps far more than anything ever had.

A drop of water dripped down his forehead, sweat sticking to everything on him.

Wylie ached for the feel of fresh water against his skin again. To feel clean, to see the transparency in it all.

Most of all, he ached for the presence of the person who had the water at her fingertips.

Maybe his strange attachment to Linh had to do with how she was the only one that had brought him back.

She was the only one that could bring him back.

His imparter vibrated next to him, showing Sophie Foster's call request. He picked up.

"Wylie!" Sophie Foster looked lost beyond words. The bags under her eyes told of nights without rest, her frazzled hair beyond taming.

"Sophie," he greeted in turn. Just at the sight of her, his pulse had skyrocketed.

The Moonlark wouldn't call him for no reason; he wasn't someone in her daily group of friends. This call was unplanned.

"I need you to talk to Linh," the brown-eyed elf blurted out, "I'm worried about her."

At the mention of her, he could've sworn that the room felt hotter in an instant. Questions surfaced too fast, "What's wrong with Linh? Is she okay?"

"I – " Sophie shook her head. "It's better if she explains." Then as an afterthought, she added, "You should talk to her in person. The rest of us have tried, and no one can get through to her."

Wylie's curiosity was about to spill over. He wanted to demand she explain, right here, right now. "Right now?"

"The sooner the better." She gave him a meaningful glance – full of something he couldn't decipher – then hung up.

He stared at the blank imparter for a minute or so afterwards, his mind discerning what had just taken place.

Wylie got up from the chair he was sitting on, feeling his muscles protesting against the action. He grabbed his coat, and his leaping crystal.

"Dad – I'm going to Linh's, I'll be back soon," he called out, smiling at how good it felt to say that. His voice echoed through the house.

"Okay," Tiergan echoed back from wherever he was in the house. "Stay safe.


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