Chapter Ten-Two Months In

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"It's time to get up in the morning.."

Harry's brow furrowed.

"Got McDonald's breakfast just for you.."

Harry opened an eye.

"I drove two miles to get it..."

Harry smirked, realising who it was.

"SOOOO! You better get up and eat it!"

"Luuuiiiieee." Harry groaned.

"You selfish, curly, girl Harrieeeettttt.... SO YOU GOTTA GET UP!"

Louis started jumping up and down on the bed.


"IT'S TIME! TO! GET UP!" Louis yelled. "It's time toooo-"


"It's tiiiimmeeee toooooo...."


"Geeeetttt uuuupppp!"

"TIME TO GET UP!" Harry sang as he leaped out of bed. "Now will you shut up!"

"Yes! But only because it's out second month anniversary!" Louis cheered.

"You have something planned for me!" Harry pointed at Louis with wide eyes.

"Yes I do! We are off to London Zoo and in the evening.... Well, that's a surprise!" Louis wiggled his eyebrows.

"Oooooh! I can't wait! I want to see the zoo! And I wanna know what we're doing in the evening!"

"That's a surprise!"

Harry groaned, falling back onto the pillow. He looked to the bedside cabinet to see a tray of food.

"Is this for me?" Harry pointed to the tray.

"Both of us." Louis smiled, moving the tray from the side to the middle of the bed where they could both reach it. They both sat down and ate, Harry constantly bugging Louis to tell him what was going to happen in the evening.

After breakfast, Harry went to have a shower and get changed. When he got out of the bathroom, he saw Louis was already dressed and ready to go in some tight-but not too tight-navy blue skinny jeans with his "the killers" shirt. His hair was in its usual messy way and his stubble was becoming more obvious.

When Louis saw Harriet walking out of the bathroom, his jaw fell to Australia. She looked beautiful with her wavy hair extensions and her light mascara. She had a white dress that went down to mid thigh and a murky green jacket on top with some bangles on her arm. She also wore large, chunky, dark brown-almost black-boots.

"My beautiful princess.." Louis breathed out. "Would the Queen of my world like to head to the zoo now?"

"Would the King of my world like to take me there?" Harry grinned, taking Louis' hand in his own as they walked out of the hotel room, backpack on back.


London Zoo was amazing. Harry was especially fond with the penguins as they went during feeding time. Louis wasn't going to lie, he was a bit creeped out when they went in the bug house and saw what your kitchen would look like if you didn't clean it.

It made him actually want to do the housework instead of always leaving it to Zayn.

They were now in the gift shop, and Harry was staring fondly at the toy tigers.

"Want one?" Louis asked, making Harry jump.

"Uh, no, no, i-it's fine." Harry sighed.

Louis still picked one up before going over to the plush snakes.

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