Chapter Fourteen-ConFusED mINdS

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A/N: sorry, these next two chapters are gonna be short

The next morning, Louis woke up at around eight thirty hoping that was just a weird wet dream. But when he looked to his left...

He saw that it wasn't just a weird wet dream.

There 'Harriet' was completely naked with not boobs, but a flat chest and not a vagina, but a dick instead.

Louis groaned, looking up to the ceiling, running his hands down his face. He sat up and reached to get his briefs off the floor and put them on. He looked over to Harry and decided to leave him asleep and go make himself some breakfast.

While he was eating his toast silently, he thought.

Harriet's a boy.

Her name's not Harriet it's Harry.

It's like I'm dating a completely different person.

It feels like that.

My beautiful girl never existed, it was a man pretending to be a girl.

I don't know what to think but I do think I'm in love with a man.

Then, Louis had anger boiling up in his stomach.

I bet Lucy knew.

"That bitch." Louis muttered, finishing of his toast before going upstairs, brushing his teeth and hair, putting on some clothes before storming out the door to Lucy's house.


Harry opened his eyes heavily, and after about five seconds of thinking, he realised he had sex with Louis. He flung his head up, feeling it spin as he did so. He looked to his right to see nothing but a shrivelled up mattress cover and a duvet pulled back. He sighed as he stared at the empty spot, drowning in depression.

Louis left.

Harry got up and put on his underwear before slowly walking downstairs to the kitchen. No one. He checked the living room. Nothing. He walked to the bathroom and grabbed some clothes to go in the shower. When he came out of the shower again, his phone went off.

Lucy 😘💞

Thank u 4 finally telling Louis. He's just left mine. He came round t talk bout u. He's come t his senses & he's going back t u.xx

Harry texted her back.


Thank goodness he's okay. Thnx, Luc .x


Louis stormed through the front door of Lucy's flat, charging down the hall to her living room.

"Why didn't you tell me Harriet was a man!" Louis bellowed.

Lucy cowered back into her seat, terrified. You really don't want to see Louis angry.

"I-it wasn't my place to tell! He kept saying "I'll tell him" "I'll tell him" "I'll tell him" but he never did! I'm sorry!" She defended herself.

Louis scrunched up his eyes and his fists before relaxing and sighing. He sat down on the couch opposite from Lucy.

"I'm sorry, Luc. It's just.... I'm so confused now. It feels like I'm dating a completely different person!" Louis said.

"Well you're not. He still loves golf, he still couldn't tell a good joke to save his life, and he still loves you." Lucy insisted. "About the only thing different is the fact that he has a man's.... You know and not a woman's.... You know."

Louis sighed, leaning back on the couch.

"Why didn't anyone tell me? Who else knew?" Louis asked.

"Me, Niall and Harvey.." Lucy bit her lip as she scrunched up her eyes.

Louis just groaned in response.

"What I want to know is what was your first reaction?" Lucy questioned.

"Well I was shocked yeah... I still am. But then we went into a bit of a fight and then.."


"Then we ended up having sex.." Lucy gasped. "Good sex.... More making love really."

"Oh my god!" Lucy squealed sounding, surprisingly, happy. "Who topped?"

"Harry." Louis mumbled.

"Oh my god!" She giggled.

"I just needed to clear my head so I came round here. I mean, I kinda want to get to know Harry, you know? Because I feel like I don't even know this bloke who was my 'girlfriend'." Louis explained.

"I understand." Lucy nodded. "Welp. The only way to do that is to go home and talk to him. Hang out with him and see if you still like him in that way."

"But that's the thing.... I'm scared that I do like him in that way." Louis bit his lip.


"Because! You do know that I am I fact straight, right? This is bullshit! I can't be gay! I've been straight all my life!"

"Maybe you're just Harrysexual." Lucy shrugged.

"What?" Louis furrowed his eyebrows.

"Well, you don't necessarily need to be gay to like one member of you own gender. You could just like them. I believe every straight person will find someone their own gender to fall in love with. And I think you've found yours." Lucy explained.

Louis sat and thought for a bit before coming to the conclusion that Lucy was right. Maybe he wasn't gay and he did just like Harry. He's never looked at other men in that sort of way.

"You're right, Luc. Thanks." Louis nodded.

Lucy replied with a "no problem" before Louis walked back to Harry's place.

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