Chapter Eight-ex equals why

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There was a knock at Harry's door and so he got up from the couch and answered it. He was taken back when he saw his old friend from Uni who he never thought he'd ever see again standing in the doorway.

Niall Horan.

"Hey, mate! Long time no see." Niall grinned.

"NIALL!" Harry squealed, pouncing on Niall in a hug.

"Haha, alright, mate! Lucy called.." He pulled back, giving Harry a look that told him he knew. "Why don't we talk."

Harry and Niall walked through to the living room. They sat down on the couch and Niall looked at Harry with a disapproving look.

"What?" Harry asked innocently.

"You haven't told your boyfriend, have you?" Niall asked.

"No." Harry sighed.

"You need to tell him! Lucy, Harvey and I all agree that you need to tell Louis." Niall pleaded.

"AND I WILL!" Harry yelled. "I WILL, NIALL! I WANT TO TELL HIM I JUST NEED TIME!.... I just need time." Harry sighed at the end.

"Alright... But find a way and tell him. I mean... What about your sex-life? If he knows you're ready to give him a blowjob, he's gonna think you're ready for sex."

"Does everyone know about that blowjob?" Harry groaned.

"Bitch, everyone knows." Niall replied.

Harry groaned as he fell back on the couch.

"Now, anyway, so what are you gonna do?" Niall asked.

"I'm going to tell him, Niall. Now if this is all you've come to England to do, then get your Leppy arse outta here and back to Mullingar!" Harry said as he slapped Niall's bum, forcing him out of the door.

"Leppy?" Niall questioned.

"Short for leprechaun now come along, food king! Get out!" Harry said, shoving him out the door. He giggled a "Bye!" Before slamming the door.

As he turned around and walked towards the couch, the door bell rang again. He groaned as he turned around and slumped towards the door.

"Oh!" He gasped in a girly voice as he saw Louis standing in the doorway.

"Hey!" Louis chuckled as he examined 'Harriet'. She was wearing short shorts and a baggy, dirty green coloured shirt with bangles going up her arms. She had a bit of lipstick on, and hair extensions (she's been wearing them since Lucy and Gemma cut her hair). "You are looking beautiful may I say." Louis grinned as Harriet blushed. "Buuut-short shorts?"

"I have nothing to wear. Everything's waiting to be washed but my washing machine's broke." Harry explained.

"You can use mine if you like-I don't mind." Louis offered.

"Ugh, thank you! You're the best boyfriend ever!" Harry hugged Louis as Louis laughed, pulling away. Louis gave Harry an almost sympathetic look. "What?"

"You've been acting strange since our night out."

"Oh," Harry sighed. He quickly covered up his anxiety with a story. "My ex boyfriend saw us walking into the club and has been nonstop calling me. I blocked his number this morning so it's all good now."

"Oh.. I'm sorry, baby you should've told me."

"I didn't want you to get overprotective! And I didn't want you to worry." Harry said.

"Alright.. But if he has a go at you again, tell me this time! I don't want my princess to get hurt." Louis spoke softly, putting a hand gently on Harry's cheek. He gently placed his lips onto Harry's for a few seconds before pulling back. "Now.... Shall we have a cozy day in? Maybe watch a cheesy love film?"

"Oooor a cheesy musical that we can sing along to?" Harry suggested, grinning.

"I vote Greece!"

"I wanted to watch Mama Mia!" Harry wined.

"Okay, whoever gets to the couch and gets their film out and ready to but in the DVD player wins!" Louis challenged. "Three! Two! One! Go!"

Harry and Louis legged it to the living room before Harry tripped Louis and ran to the DVD stack and picked out Mama Mia and put it in the DVD player.

"Noooo!" Louis yelled as Harry cackled.

So, they settled down on the couch and watched Mama Mia while eating popcorn and eventually, fell asleep.


Two days later, Harry and Louis were walking down Brighton Beach together, for it was the sunniest and hottest day of the year so far. They were walking hand in hand, walking up the pier, eating donuts. They tried their hardest to keep the bag closed unless they were eating one, or else a seagull would swoop down and snatch the bag right out of their hands.

Just as they walked towards the fairground area, a brunette woman yelled Louis' name.

"Oh no." Louis' eyes widened as they landed on her.

"What?" Harry asked, confused.

"It's my ex.. We should get out of here." Louis mumbled, pulling Harry away.

"Louis! Why leave so soon? Why not catch up? Who's this?" Eleanor asked as she ran up to them.

"This is Harriet. My girlfriend. And we're loyal to each other, unlike you with me." Louis spat. "Come on, babe."

Louis shot Eleanor a glare before dragging Harry away with him back down the pier. Harry snatched his hand away just before they got to the arcade.

"What?" Louis asked.

"You didn't even let her explain herself! Maybe she wants to put your problems behind you guys and be friends!" Harry suggested.

"No, I-I-I can't." Louis stuttered.

"Why not? You think you're going to sleep with her? Get back together with her?"

"Well...." Louis dragged out.

"I knew it! I knew I wasn't good enough for you!" Harry wailed before storming off back down the pier around the outside of the arcade.

"Harriet!" Louis yelled, chasing 'her'.

Harry cried and sobbed as he stomped away. He let out a high pitched shriek as he was picked up off the ground.

"Louis put me down!" He screamed.

Louis put Harry down before turning him to face him.

"I would never leave you for that bitch!" Louis confirmed before slamming his lips onto Harry's. "I'm just scared that she'll make a move on me! I love you, Haz. Only you."

"I love you too." Harry sniffled.

"Now, let's get home. Come on." Louis smiled, taking Harry's hand in his and walking off the pier.

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