Chapter 7

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I could really get used to waking up like this, with Alex wrapped around me like I was some kind of giant teddy bear. I couldn't even remember how we ended up in this position, but I was okay being the little spoon and she was a super comfy big spoon. Her front molded to my back perfectly and her arms had wrapped themselves around my waist like a tight seatbelt. Her head was tucked over my shoulder, and her lips were so close to my ear I could hear every deep breath she took.

I wanted to pretend I was still asleep. I wanted to just... be there, like that, for as long as I possibly could. Why would I ever want to move?

Suddenly, her arms tightened around me and she whispered into my ear, "You know how I can tell you're awake?"

I tried not to jump out of my skin, but I was startled. "How?" I asked, quietly. When had she woken up?

"Because I can feel your body tense up... your breathing quickens... and I can hear your heart beat..." she trailed off, her breath hot on my ear. Had I been made of ice surely I would have melted in her arms.

She sat up, leaving me shivering and instantly wanting her warmth to enfold me once again. "Hey," I muttered, rolling over onto my other side and dragging her back down by the collar of her shirt. "Don't just leave like that, I'm freezing."

Alex's eyes widened a fraction and she stared at me, both of us now lying once again on the couch but facing each other. She hesitated before returning her arms to their previous position, and I wasted no time in cuddling into her, tucking my head under her chin and resting my cheek against the base of her neck. I breathed her in and smiled when I felt her arms pull me closer.

"We should get up," she murmured into my hair, sending small vibrations through my skull.

"I disagree," I said, and I briefly considered planting my lips to the soft skin of her neck.

As if reading my mind, Alex sat up again before I could. She peered down at me, a slight frown on her lips and a look of disapproval evident in her clear blue eyes. I offered her a sheepish grin and stretched. She was watching, and so I deliberately made a show of slowly stretching my arms, arching my back, and then peeking at her with one eye mid-stretch. Her eyes were wandering and when she noticed that I was watching her watch me, her cheeks instantly flushed a light pink. She lifted from the couch, leaving me tangled in the blanket we had shared overnight.

She ignored me and stalked across the living room, through the foyer, and into the kitchen where I could no longer see her. I smiled to myself and stared up at her ceiling. My mind replayed last night. It had been better than I ever could have hoped for.

Alex was a wuss. The woman was as scary and as unapproachable as a drill sergeant during the day but when it came to lame, scary movies she shrieked, cried out, jumped, and—the best part—clung to the nearest warm body. Which, luckily, happened to be me.

Of course, after grabbing on to me in fear she would realize what she was doing and instantly try and scoot away, or cough nervously and pretend she hadn't just screamed like a 13-year-old girl. But 'scary' moments were frequent, and it wasn't long before she gave in and clung to me for the rest of the movie, eventually pulling me into her lap and wrapping her long limbs around me, watching from over my shoulder.

After the movie she was too afraid to move through the dark and flick on the lights, and I absolutely refused to do it—mostly because I didn't want to move and quite liked sitting in her lap. We agreed to sleep on the couch, and when I promised I'd protect her from the monsters she punched my shoulder and told me to shut up.

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