Chapter 7 - ❀ Disheartened ❀

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Song used: "When memories break"



America's POV

Looking at the pale blue walls, old clock on the wall with the same hands ticking sooooo slowly from one minute to the next.

I wasn't paying attention to Mr. UN, which was most of the time.

All I can think of right now is what I'm gonna do after school, I'm so bored and tired.

Only ten minutes left and class will be over soon, I felt blissful because tomorrow is Saturday.

Which means rest day baby! I can dove under my blue-and-white striped blanket all day.

I can finally relax and sleep, I'm so exhausted I could hibernate. I wonder what Japan is doing this weekend.

As soon as the bell ring, all of the students rushed to the exit, finally! I'm excited getting home.

I'm always curious about this one student that often waits for everyone to go first before he does, and always changing it's attitude everyday.

Like for example, on Monday he's friendly and kind. Tuesday he's quiet and blue, and I can't even describe what he's attitude is like on Wednesday.

I can describe he's flag though, it was a tri-color featuring red and blue with a white triangle framing three yellow stars and an anthropomorphic eight-rayed sun.

Sometimes the red side is on top, and blue is on bottom, which is effectively achieved by flipping the flag upside-down. I wonder why?

Anyways, back to the topic, I was headed my way outside the school feeling free when all of the sudden, my brother Canada showed up and called me to get inside he's car, because he will drive me home.

Ugh, I'm tried of it, I just wish I can have my own car and
I swear to god, if I had a driver's license I wouldn't be in this situation, I can drive myself home and I can go to anywhere I want to go.

I don't blame Canada though, he's a good brother, and Canada is one of the most responsible country in our family.

Well, it was dad UK who is acting like I'm still kind of a kid or something, and that annoyed me so much.

Besides only a few years more and I'm gonna be in college, which means I will move out of my parent's house and move to an apartment.

When we got inside the car, I opened my phone checking my social media.

Suddenly I received a message from Japan, I quickly opened it and read what she said.

JAP- "Hey Ameica-kun, wanna sleepover at my place tonight? My mom is not coming home so i decided you would like to come here, we have a lot of Anime to watch! :'>"

AME- "Well I would love to, and since it's Friday night I'm sure my parents will let me."

AME- "Maybe I'll be there in a few minutes, so just wait okay?"

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