Chapter 6 - ✾ Beg Without Forgiveness ✾

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Song used: Epoch
By: The living tombstone



Hungary's POV

As soon as I arrived at the school, the bell ring for class dismissal. I waited for Poland at the school parking lot.

A few minutes had past, I saw him but It seems like he was crying? I didn't know what to do.

As he came closer to me, he hugged me and was crying into my chest. I asked him what was wrong, but he insist, and tears began to grow to his face.

"I-I don't want to talk about it right now," He said with he's now stuttering voice.

I nodded, and we both went inside the car and I started to drive.

Poland was looking at the car window completely in silence, I could barely hear him shivering.

I felt bad for my brother, I don't want him like this, there's got to be a way to cheer him up.

I figured out that maybe this will cheer him up a bit, so I said, "Hey Poland, do you want to me to buy pierogi? So we can eat it by the time we got home."

"N-no thanks, I'm not hungry..." He said with a muffled voice.

I said "Mkay..." And continued driving.

When we arrived at the house, without any word Poland went to his room and locked the door.

I followed him, knocked at his door and said, "Hey Poland, Is this about Germany again? If it is, you know we can talk about it."

It was silence for a moment, but then I heard the doorknob being open.

3rd person's POV

When the Polish opened the door, the Hungarian came in. The Polish said, "O-okay, don't be surprise but I broke up with Germany."

The Hungarian was shocked when I heard this and said, "But why???"

The Polish began to cry even more and said, "I-i don't know, I k-kinda regret It... I still l-love him Hungary... I just thought that maybe he was tired of me..."

The Hungarian said, "why'd you say that?"

"Well he usually spent his time with me, but now he does with that Russian guy." The Polish said.

"Poland..." As soon as the Hungarian said something.
The Polish hugged him and said, "P-please Hungary, can you stay here for a while?"

The Hungarian blushed and said, "S-sure..."

A few minutes had past...

Poland's POV

I heard something or someone was knocking the door loudly, that got me to wake up in an instant.

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