Where it all started

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You were here for decades maybe eons you don't know and you don't care your one desire is to feed the fungus that covers your body. Your once stone appearance now covered living fungus, you wonder how long has it been there? 

While walking around you here a noise of a groaning zombie. You charge in its direction blindly as you come into contact with the zombie crushing it under your weight. Why did a zombie enter my domain? they know by now to never step a foot on this place. I sniff the air as I smell something strange something new? 

I start walking towards the smell aimlessly bumping into stuff and then moving around walls. You reach the source of the smell as you pick it up it felt soft like fabric. it was small and had a weird hole that didn't go through it the other side.

You hear faint footsteps as you quickly turned around and screeched a sound wave hearing it impact with a wall. You wonder if you hit your target but then you smelled something, it smelled  like the fabric but stronger. You drop the fabric and start walking in the direction of the smell.

"Wait mate we can talk about this." a strange sound came from the direction of the smell.

You feel a low grumble in your throat as you attempt to copy the noise "What are you?" You could feel my voice booming as it traveled through the underground. You hear them step farther away as you attempt to face the creature.

"My name is Philza I am an Avian hybrid with human, how are you able to talk?" The creature named Philza said.

" have been down here for years maybe decades you learn a thing or two when you are alone for so long." You said approaching Philza.

"Are you going to kill me?" Philza said as he backed up more.

"Hmmmm, no but only if you help me get out of this place." You said. You hear Philza sigh in Relief as he walks closer to you. He goes around you as he picks up the piece of fabric.

"What is that your holding?" I said as I turn around to face him. I hear him shuffling with it as he snickers at your question.

"It's a hat, you wear for style or other reasons." Philza said as he walks a little closer to me. "Can you see me?" Philza said.

"No, I shall warn you once before we leave this place. Don't yell or make any loud noises it might trigger my instincts to kill." You said as you stick your hand out patting the hat that is on Philza's head.

"Oh good to know, good to know." He trails off. You hear him walking away as you slowly start to follow him. While we were walking you hear Philza stop in his tracks as you here light groaning noises ahead of you. You quickly go in front of him bumping into him in the process.

You let out a low growl and couple of clicking noises to now know what is in front of you is a baby zombie. You smell the baby zombies fear once it realizes what you are and quickly scurry's off further into the cave system.

"Wow thank you mate, by the way I never got your name." Philza said while continuing the walk to the surface. 

"I never needed a name why don't you give me one Philza." You said as you followed him. You hear him humming as he thinks of a name. 

"Your new name shall be y/n the warden, what do you think about the name mate?" Philza said.

"Hmmm I think it's alright now how much longer till we reach the surface?" You said with slight excitement."

"We will reach it in about an hour, and by the way you can call me Phil." Phil said as we continued are journey to the surface.

From author: there will be more so don't go anywhere dear reader

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