Passing the time

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It has been a month since you arrived on the overworld Phil and Techno have been teaching you everything you need to know about the things around you. Techno has been trying to teach you how to use a sword but you broke it every time you held it. Phil helped remove the fungus that was growing on you, so you look like your old self except for the part where your chest it craved open. Which is exposing your source of power.

Phil would leave often but he would always avoid the question of where he is going. Techno would leave to get wood and food, he would ask you to tag along because you can help carry back a crazy amount of stuff back to the house. He asked you once if you wanted to go mining with him but you weren't fond of the idea of going back underground. You started to open up to them more but your voice still scares the crap out of Phil when you accidentally sneak up on him.

The first night I was here they wanted you to sleep in a makeshift bed that would fit you but you never needed to sleep but they never gave you an option.

You wake up from hearing rapid footsteps passing by your room, you slowly stand up and walk off to the door and make your way to the kitchen. You make a clicking noise to see Phil grabbing stuff out of the cabinet. (clicking is like echolocation it allows you to form a picture in your head when the sound comes back to you).

"What are you doing Phil?" you said. You heard Phil slam the cabinet shut as you heard him inhale.

"Holy Shit!! You scared me almost to my grave mate. What are you doing up? It's still a little early." He said as he opened the cabinet again.

"You were very loud when you walked by my door." you said. You heard him sigh as he grabbed something from the cabinet then closed it.

"Sorry about that y/n I forgot where I was supposed to be today and now I am in a rush to get out of here before they get suspicious." he said as he walked towards the door to the outside.

"Who?" you said confused.

You hear Phil sprint for the door and he says before he closes the door," Sorry y/n I really have to go." he said nervously. You let out a low growl as you feel your chest vibrant from the noise. You hear movement behind you recognizing the footsteps as techno.

"So if you want to go to the nether today we can kill some wither skeletons for their heads' ' Techno said proudly. Techno has mentioned the nether before but you were never that interested to ask about it.

"Sure lead the way." you said to Technoblade. He walks in front of you as he taps his foot for you to follow. He leads you through the thick snow until he stops.

"We're here, now I am going to grab your arm so I can help lead you through it." Techno said as he steps up onto a block and you follow suit, you soon feel a weird sensation around your body but it disappears. He lets go as he makes his footsteps louder so you can hear him. You notice the air is warmer and reeks of ash. The ground beneath your feet feels much hotter but not enough to burn you.

You follow him more till you reach the feeling of bricks below you. The smell of death consumes your senses as you focus on Technos quickening steps. You hear him start swinging his sword as you sense other creatures approaching, you quickly take action as you take in a breath and let out a sound wave crashing all the skeletons into each other.

"Let's Goooo!!!" you hear Techno shout as he rushes in and you shortly follow him.

(Time Skip)

You have been slaying wither skeletons for hours and you and Techno decide to go back to the cabin, you are walking up the steps as Techno opens the door for you. He steps in behind you and closes the door, you hand him the wither skulls you collected and you hear him go down the ladder to the basement. All of sudden you hear Techno say"ehhh!!" you quickly go over to the ladder and make clicking noises down in the basement. You see Techno and another boy who is standing in front of him.

"Heyyyy Techno, my best mate, what are you doing here!!" The boy said loudly. You quickly move away from the hole and make your way outside. You had your hands over your horns which is where you hear sounds. You sit in the snow as you let go of your horns and take a deep breath and exhale, you hope Techno can deal with them.

After an hour or so you hear Techno and another pair of footsteps following him.

"Hey y/n you ok? You weren't inside . . . did this little crackhead mess with your senses?" Techno said, trying not to yell at the person behind him.

"Hey! For your information I am an amazing big man who is-" The boy stopped talking as he saw you get up and approach him, Techno moving out of the way.

"Be quiet." you said as you let out a menacing deep growl. You hear the boy whimper as you back up.

Techno clears his throat getting my attention,"y/n this is Tommy one of my brothers and Tommy this is y/n a warden Phil found." Techno said as he went inside and followed him. Techno sat at the armchair as you heard him take out a book and start reading. You sit at the end of the couch listening to the clacking of the fire. You hear the door open the again as you hear Tommy sitting on the other end of the couch. 

"Sorry about my yelling it's just the part that makes me the awesome big tommyinnit but I see not everyone enjoys it and that's alright." Tommy said as he scooted a little closer to you. "So do you got any cool powers? Can you fly like a superhero? Are you strong? Can you see me? Do you know who dream is? How do-" you put your hand over his mouth and then lowered it, you could tell just that the boy is pissed at you from stopping his ramble. 

"Who is dream?" You said a little confused. Neither Techno nor Phil mentioned anyone by that name. You can smell the pig man sweating in the armchair as he is trying to avoid the attention you draw towards him. "Techno I can smell you sweating." You said sternly. Techno gulps as he shoves his face into the book.

"Uh dream never had a dream before you know I don't sleep much uhh um." Techno said sweating even more. He huffs as he realizes he can't get out of this. "Yeah I know who he, he's a homeless teletubby and he isn't that great of a guy. powerful fight but not as great as me." Techno said proudly as Tommy sighs displeased with his brother.

"He is more than that he is manipulative green mask boy prick who thinks he can rule the dream smp and everyone in it!" Tommy says slightly shouting.

"Hmmm I will be wary if I ever encounter him." You said a little alarmed by how familiar this dream guy sounds to one of your creators.

"I didn't want to scare or worry you that's why I never told you about him,he is the definition
Of bad news when you see him disaster is not far behind." Techno said.

While Techno and Tommy continued talking you heard footsteps from outside, you stood up thinking it was Phil. You walked up to the door to open it and when you did the man before you did not smell of feathers or weird smelling perfumes they smelled strange they reeked of blood and dark magic.

"Why hello there!" A unknown voice spoke out to you.

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