Pain is just a distraction

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You wake up to find a metal clamp around your mouth, you quickly put your hands up to it but you feel thick metal chains stopping you. You made a soundwave but the mask on you stopped it. You could hear footsteps as they stopped in front of you.

"Oh poor y/n the all great warden brought down by a little potion." Dream said mockly. He gets closer to you as he kicks you but a string of curses escape as he holds his foot.

"Jeez I should've expected that you are made out of stone." Dream said as he traced the rune markings on your arm. You lurch forward attempting to grab him but mid movement your arms stop moving right in front of his face.

"Whoa, I guess studying about you was worth it, you know those chains holding you back? They are made of a special mixture of deepslate and netherite, expensive I do say. But it's worth it to see you chain up like a beast, Oh this is going to be amazing!!" Dream said, clapping his hands together gleefully. You hear Dream circle you as you continue trying to get out of the chains. You try to stand up but you fall back down to the ground as the chains are attached to the floor. Dream stops as he is right behind you, he sees the armband as he pulls out a pickaxe and snaps it off.

"You won't be needing that anymore."  Dream said coldly as your rage consumed you. You roared as you fought back more against the chains.

"Still have a fighting spirit? I will need to work on that." he said as he pulled out his sword and stabbed your arm. He tugs at the sword to remove it but it's stuck in your stone skin. He curses as he kicks the sword and more curses escape as he hops on one foot.

"I guess that's staying there. Well then y/n the all mighty warden I am going to break your spirit for killing me very painfully. You will be a hollow husk perfect for following commands, ohh I am going to have so much fun!!!" Dream said laughing. Your strength faded as your arms fell, you sat there trying unsure how you were going to get out of this.

"Wilbur will be with you in a moment, have fun~" Dream said as you heard the door closed. You let your body rest as you heard his fading footsteps. You wish you weren't blind so you could see Dream's dead body underneath you. You shake the thought away as you hear someone open the door.

"Well hello again y/n." Wilbur said, closing the door behind him. You roared at him as you pulled and tugged at the chains that covered your arms."Oh jeez I didn't think you would be that angry." Wilbur said, frightened by your rage.

"You, DID THIS, I will bleed you dry as I let the shulk fungus consume your soul!" you said as your voice echoes throughout the chamber. Wilbur gulped unsure how he was going to get you more friendly.

"Well what a shame I am the only one who is going to be visiting you. I guess I could just get someone else to "convince" you to join their plan." Wilbur said as he left. You could hear yelling and shouting as the door opened again and you heard something being thrown in front of you.

"Enjoy your stay." Wilbur said coldly as he slammed the door shut. You let out a low growl unsure what he gave you, you sniffed the air smelling a familiar dusty smell. You stopped growling as a soft chuffing noise escaped you. The person in front of you groaned as they looked up at you.

"y/n! Oh my god mate I thought they put me in a pit filled with zombies." Phil said as he got up and hugged you." Dream and Wilbur are trying to convince you to destroy las navadus and get you to kill Quackity." Phil said.

"They should do it themselves. It's probably more work to get me to do it." I said.

"I wish you were right, Quackity built extra defenses around the place and nobody can enter or leave without his say. You are the only thing that can break their defenses." Phil said as he leaned on your chest.

"What happened to Techno? And how did you get captured? Just what happened to you guys?" You said.

Phil sighed,"Techno wanted me to travel with him to possibly find a solution to your blindness. He thought if he found something you would return to the surface. He left after he came back from visiting you. I told him I have other things to attend to, but he left shortly after collecting supplies." Phil said as he looked at the door.

"After about an hour Wilbur showed up saying all these crazy things, he said you were a key piece. He wanted to know where you were but when I told him no Punz and Dream attacked me. They found the trail I built that led to the underground where you were and well here we are now." Phil said.

You sighed unsure what to do, all of a sudden you felt the shulk fungus on you growing deeper into your stone skin.

"Phil, I got an idea. Take some of the fungus on me and put it on the chains, in time the fungus will hook on and eat away at the material." I said. Phil nodded as he ripped off some of the fungus and put it on both chains. I then could hear the doors open as a laugh emerged.

"Well old man your time with your dear friend is over." Wilbur said as he grabbed Philza and dragged him out. You didn't make an attempt to stop him as you knew there was not much you could do. You heard someone else enter the room as they closed the door.

"Warden, I will double the amount of lives you took from me and give them to you with these swords representing the pain you caused." Dream said as he went behind you stabbing you with swords, each one getting stuck in your skin. Each sword being more painful than the last time you hold your breath trying to not make a sound.

"Man I should have brought more swords If I knew you could withstand this much." Dream said as he started laughing. Dream pulled out his axe as he started scraping the blade against your skin. Sparks went flying as he made a light cut in the skin, Dream huffs disappointed as he leaves the room. You let out a shaky breath as you could feel the chain weakening as the shulk was eating away at it. Just a little bit longer and you should be free.

That was until you heard a scream that shook you to your core.

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