Mortals never learn

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I has been 2 weeks since Dream's visit. Tommy hasn't wanted to leave the house afraid that Dream will take him back to exile. Techno said he had to go to lmanburg and he asked Tommy to join him but he said he didn't want to see those traitors.

When Techno came back he immediately went to his room and put up a sign saying don't enter. So you respect that and you have been in the kitchen Eating potato after potato. You're not sure why but you never get full so you just keep eating them. When you grab for another potato you realize the bag is empty. Well oops you didn't mean to eat that many so try to hide the empty bag behind something. You make your way outside and sit in the snow, you hear someone sitting next to you as they lean on you.

"Hello Tommy, how was your nap?" you said.

"I am a big man, I don't need a nap like babies." Tommy said as he yawned.

"I thought you said you didn't want to leave the house?" You said as a smile appeared on your face.

"Well you're outside and I shouldn't be afraid of that green goblin." Tommy said as he lightly chuckled at his insult. You took a breath in and then exhaled as you felt the cold breeze hit your horns, making your senses fuzzy. When the wind stops for a moment you could hear the flapping of wings as they get closer. The flapping noise gets closer to your horns and seems to stop as you feel something on your horn you were about to grab it when Tommy stops your hand.

He goes up to your horn and he seems to remove what was on your horn, you hear a little caw in Tommy's direction," What is that noise?" you said confused.

"Oh it's a crow, looks like one of Phil's, It has a note." Tommy said as you could hear him fiddling with something."Oh no, We have to warn Techno now!" Tommy said while getting up quickly and running inside. You get up and follow behind him. You make it to Techno's door. You make a clicking sound to see the door is already open, probably from Tommy. Before you could even take a step inside you hear a loud bang from something hitting a wall really hard.

You enter the and make another click, you see Techno holding Tommy by the throat as he is pinned against the wall. You rush in there and rip Techno off of Tommy, Techno Struggles to get out of your grip as you are much stronger and bigger than him.

You hear Tommy gasp for a breath as he slowly approaches you,"The voices have him, I know one way Phil used to calm the voices, could you keep him restrained?" Tommy said very worried and anxious. You nod as you feel Tommy get on the ground next to you, he gets on top of Techno and proceeds to hug him. You can feel Techno's struggling stop as he slowly gets out of your grip and hugs Tommy back.

"Sorry about that Tommy and y/n the voices were just extra loud today." Techno said.You nod as you step back, Techno told of the voices before but you never saw them get this worse."So what did you need?" Techno asked. Tommy got off of Techno as they both stood up and Tommy gave Techno something. Techno stood there till you heard him spill a curse word, how naughty.
Techno rushes down stairs and jumps down the hole to the basement. Tommy soon joins him and you unfortunately can not fit down there. You're too big for that.

"y/n I know you said you wanted to start to get off your violent path but please just do this once for me, I just need you to stop anyone from getting near the house. Tommy, stop grabbing armor, you are not joining us." Techno said as you heard him rummaging around through the basement. "y/n go outside and if you see them shout." Techno said as you heard him chasing Tommy.

You walk outside and you stand there listening to anything that sounds out of the ordinary from the occasional cold winds. All of a sudden you hear distant crunching of snow. You let out a furious roar to alert Techno and Tommy.

"What the hell was that!?" someone said in the distance.
"Not sure, it sounds like a beast but what in the world would live out here?" someone else said.

"Guys look what is that thing?" someone said." You could hear them all stop moving, none of them made a sound, so you sniffed the air to smell blood in the direction of the voices.

You start slowly walking towards them, but you hear the door to the house open,"y/n where are-" Techno starts saying but stops when he notices the people in the distance."y/n i need you to stay near the house protect Tommy for me." Techno said as he started walking towards the people. You did your best to ignore their conversation (mostly because the author is too lazy to look up who was in the butcher gang and what they said) as you wanted to focus on the sounds and smells surrounding the house.

You hear clanging of swords as the fight between them gets more intense, you hear distressed noises from unknown people so you assume Techno is winning. You sniffed the air to discover one of the people who broke off is now coming in the direction of the house. You make clicking noises to pinpoint the location of them as you aim a sound wave at them. You fired it at them, hitting them right in the side making them go flying.

You charged at them, pinning them to the ground as you start growling at them. They pull out their sword and stab your hand, you weren't even fazed as you grabbed their sword while using the other to hold them down and crushed it. You could smell the fear running through him as you try to resist the urge to kill him as he is making your desire to kill go wild. You quickly throw him away from you as you roar as loud as you could hoping to scare him off.

You hear his frantic feet running away from you as you hear the fighting in the distance stop. Techno approaches you as he lightly taps your stone skin getting your attention,"Hey y/n you alright? you seemed out of it when you were fighting Quackity." Techno said as he puts his hand on your arm.

"Yeah just forgot the desire to kill was still there, I just thought after the shulk fungus has been removed I won't hear its pleas for more souls. But it's still there, just more quiet and more thirsty for that life giving energy." You said as you felt Techno pull his hand back and start climbing on top of you.

"What are you doing Techno?" you said as Techno reached your head and put something on your head as he jumped down.

"I know you can't see it but I put my crown on you to show my respect and understanding towards your current situation, I want you to know y/n that you are not alone." Techno said as he started smiling. You could hear Tommy inside yelling at us to get inside, we just assumed he wanted attention. Techno rushes inside picking up Tommy and squeezing him, you smiled as you could Tommy's pleas for air.

You close the door as you remain outside, you want to stay in the cold for a little while longer.
You were sitting there in the snow for at least an hour until you heard someone humming a calm tune. The tune reminded you of the music the townspeople would play during celebrations. You had a feeling that you should go check on the horn just to see if it was still there. No you never wanted to return to the deep dark city you like the surface.

The tune seemed to get louder the more you refused to return to the deep dark city. You grabbed your horns trying to silence the noise as it overwhelmed your senses. But then you felt a hand on your shoulder as it removed your hands from your horns.

The tune stopped as you heard Tommy's voice,"Hey y/n its alright everything is fine there is no one here you're with us just take deep breaths."

you listen to him as he hugs you and you feel another hand touch your shoulder,"Hey um this is for you helping me with my voices this is just me paying the favor." he said as he awkwardly hugs you. You smile as you grab him which earns a shocked noise from him, you put him in your lap as you hug him, letting out a low purr. Techno groans displeased with the current situation but he tolerants it just this once, definitely just this once.

"Oh by the way do you know why there was an empty potato bag stuffed into a cabinet in the kitchen?" Techno said.

"Uhhh, I was hungry?" y/n said

"That bag was full to the brim with potatoes. How did you eat all of them?! You know what, I am taking my crown back." Techno said as he grabbed the crown from your head and puts it on his own. You let out a light chuckle as you realize how fun it is to make Techno mad.

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