The familiar feeling

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( First off do you like the feeling of being all powerful or do you wish for something else? )

After you explained what happened when he was knocked out he looked utterly terrified that Dream wants him back for some reason. Tubbo was more shocked by what Dream did to him in exile when he was there. Ranboo was mostly silent throughout the whole ordeal, he just asked a couple of questions along the way. Tommy was holding the horn close to his chest squeezing it. Ranboo looks at him confused while Tubbo is still shocked about exile.

"So um y/n do you and Tommy umm want to stay till Techno or phil arrive or till things blow over?" Tubbo said. Tommy looked at Michael who was currently on your head playing with your horns. You seem dazed and out of it when Tommy snaps his fingers in front of you. You flinch as a low rumble escapes from your chest.

"Hmmm? Yeah sure that would be lovely Tubbo just don't yell for no reason that's all I ask." You said as you felt Michael tug your head to the left a little.

"Yeah alright, why don't we get to know each other." Tubbo said while trying to break the awkward tension in the air. Tommy nodded as he sat the horn down by his side.''So I like bees and nukes and I used to be the president of lmanburg." Tubbo said proudly. Tommy elbowed you wanting you to talk next.

"I used to live underground for centuries feeding the shulk fungus with the souls of mobs who dared enter the dark city. Until Philza brought me up here with some persuasion and well so far I think I might prefer the underground, you humans are so dramatic." You said as all of them gasped.

"I am not dramatic, I am a big amazing cool man." Tommy said proudly. Ranboo sat on the other side of Tommy as Tubbo sat in front of him on the floor. Ranboo, Tubbo, and Tommy were having a conversation on what happened when they were apart. Ranboo eventually fell out of the conversation as he eyed the horn next to Tommy.

He grabbed the horn lightly as you flinched from feeling his emotions and thoughts. You could see a smile in your mind as your body acted on impulse. You jumped up and lunged at Ranboo trapping him beneath you. You could feel yourself drooling from rage as you were about to bite him when the horn was ripped out of his hands.

You could feel the calming emotions as you got off of Ranboo,"I am so sorry I don't know what came over me I just thought you were Dream sorry about that." You said as you wiped the saliva off of your face. Michael fell off of you from the commotion and was laying on his back. You could hear little sniffles from him when you turned around and made a low hum. Michael giggled as he jumped up and hugged your leg.

You removed him from you as you handed him to tubbo, grabbed him and searched him for injuries.

"What do you mean you thought it was Dream there is no one here who looks like him." Ranboo said, confused. Tommy glared at Ranboo as he looked at you wanting for you to explain.

"I am blind, thought it was obvious since I don't have eyes. I use my hearing and smell to guide me, the horn you touched is connected to me. Touching it gives me access to your thoughts and your feelings, I can sense them but when you touched it Ranboo all I could see from your thoughts was a smile." you said.

Ranboo nervously rubbed his neck as he took out a journal and a pencil and wrote in it. He then put it away as he took Michael from Tubbo."I am going to put him to bed, it's almost midnight." Ranboo said as he went up the ladder, Tubbo got up from the floor as he went into the kitchen.

"Do you two want anything?" Tubbo said as he took out a kettle and put water in it.

"I am good, Tommy, what about you?" You said. Tommy looked at Tubbo as he stood up from the ground.

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