I'm That Girl

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I'm that girl who cares alot

when no one does

but does not show it

because its wrong

I'm that girl who wants hugs

but gets none

and still waits

for that embrace

I'm that girl who you don't know

and yet you judge

with these nasty things

and crippling words

I'm that girl who's beautiful

but not enough

for the society

and its laws

I'm that girl who waited


until all hope is lost

and came never 

I'm that girl who cried

but then smiled

and said

she's fine

I'm that girl who's tired

of everything

but still laughs

because its wrong

I'm that girl who is right

but not enough

and sadly

never so

I'm that girl

who's broken

And bleeding

but didn't care

Because no one else did. 

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