A World Worth Saving...?

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A world worth saving…?

Mr. Plankton, the bird, had a seed

A grape, a soursop, a pear

It didn’t matter what kind

He was sure it was a seed,

A thought, a beacon, an idea

On how to save his world

The next day,

He told his bird mom

What his spontaneous thought was

She listened and said,

“Sure kid, did you find my bracelet?”

She supported him


The next day,

He told his bird friends

What his bright beacon was

They laughed and said

“You imagined the silver suns too?”

They believed him


The next day,

He told his bird mentors

What his grand idea was

They smiled and said,

“Good, now scuttle and read”

They applauded him


So Mr. Plankton beat his wings

Away and out of their words that stung

Like scalpel scraped on tender flesh

He flew toward what he didn’t expect

An already toxic winter air

And he was caught amid

A nightmare

His eyes, a tear fest

His tongue, a text twist

His heart, a jumble of clots

And his lungs, a mesh  

of 16 million collapsed alveoli

He was a patchwork of broken parts,

Grasping to fix the dying whole

As he clutched and hung for dear life

He thought of how sad

How miserable, how despairing

It is that they rejected

His spontaneous thought

His bright beacon

His grand idea

So carelessly

Mr. Plankton settled his lids

In his mind came one last muse

If the world that he wanted to save

Was all for those who didn’t care

Then maybe, just maybe

It wasn’t worth saving

After al

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