Separate Fairytale

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The blinking cursor gives me doubt

It points north but as well south

But I look at it and somehow see

A clock, ticking out time slowly

I play a song amidst the words

Hoping music would drown my thoughts

But it doesn’t

I am reminded of yesterday

Of how much I had to smile

Of how the mask was there

To catch the tear and show the smile

I am reminded of how much fun we had

And the pain that followed it

I am reminded of how much time we have

Or lack thereof

I am constantly aware that there is no infinite

In my own made-up fairytale

But the night was nice

And I don’t regret the silent cries

I don’t regret the chipped nails

Or the sore feet

Because as much as I am reminded of what I had to let go

Yesterday also showed me why I had to hold you so

And why, now, I must have to go

So you can be happy

And I’ll try, I promise I will

To be happy for you

And for your own, separate fairytale

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