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I closed my tired eyes,

Tears flowed, cold as ice.

It hit me like a speeding knife,

will hurt but will not end my life.

I've been long searching,

But I found nothing.

Wish could've gotten my last embrace,

For I'm surrounded by your face.

Didn't see that one coming.

Didn't expect you're going.

Just left me alone, crying.

Didn't even leave a warning.

It all happened really fast,

Every scene blew me past.

You quickly turned into a speck of dust.

I, hopelessly stuck in coming last.

As if it would be a realy big crime,

If you've given me just enough time,

long enough for me to break the tie,

And bid you a pleasant sad goodbye.

Oh Free FallWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt