The hunt

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The pups are grown and are now harder to take care of. They want to learn to hunt so I teach them. The first thing they learn to hunt are mice, then rabbits, then bigger animals or birds that are harder to catch and more of a challenge to them. Today my brother informed me that he spotted a herd of deer nearby. So right now we just finished planning on a strategy to hunt one down. The pups are included since they will help with the skills that they already know. The deer are in a little clearing that hosts a couple of bushes. The bushes are going to be useful. So right now we are all crawling as fast and as low possible to hide behind the bushes before the deer see us. The pups are doing great, boy I taught them good. We are still hidden and we will now wait for eagle feather's signal. Tail flick. And we are off! The deer are super scared and take off pretty fast. We follow the heard till eagle feather informs us which one to kill. It is 70 feet from were we started and eagle feather told us which one. One of the pups separates the chosen one from the herd and we give chase until we corner him. We make a circle around him and he looks like he wants to jump over us. His back is facing me so I take a running start and jump on his back. He is a feisty deer and I struggle to bite his neck. When I finally do he takes a couple breaths of air and collapses. We watch him die and say a prayer or two so that he can go to heaven. As we see the dead deer we start licking our chops and almost dig in when eagle feather interrupts. He says that the honor of the first bite should be given to me, even though we all took part of it. He explains that even he wouldn't have thought of jumping on the deeds back and kill him like I did. So he makes me bite the deer first. And then everybody joins in.
I know dogs are not wolves but I decided to put an exciting hunt somewhere in the story. The dogs used their instincts.

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