Love Is All That Matters

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Looking at her, I just couldn't believe she didn't tell me he was back. I could've done something- anything to prevent this again.

"Tinns I know your in there, somewhere. I'm so sorry I should've noticed your behavior and the bruises, I should've asked you." I cried.

"Your my bestfriend and I've been a horrible friend, I shouldn't have let you talk me out of going to the police when we moved here, I should've been there! I should've done a lot of things." I paused letting silence take over.

I could hear nurses and other people walking in the halls, patients talking or laughing. I wish she would wake up, I look at her face it's got cuts and bruises all over it. Her lips is busted, man she was going to be pissed whenever she woke up, she hates having scars after the last time. I just wish I could turn back time and help her, but I can't.

"Listen Tinns, I need you to wake up okay? People need you here, my parents, me, your father came by he wants to get to know you. Most importantly Dex needs you, so please wake up." I lay my head on her and cry.

I just want my bestfriend back.
I am in a dark, sleepless abyss, I feel nothing, it's as if I'm weightless and sort of floating.

I wither in the feeling letting it take over my body, swirling slowly through my veins. I feel myself leaving floating to the unknown, I don't fight it I feel safe.
As the last breath leaves my body, I hear soft crying that makes me stop. I know that sound or matter factly who, I push to hear and feel. I'm fighting the darkness that's imploing my body thrashing my body against the numbness!

I want to feel! Then my last push I see light against my eyelids, their heavy, I hear beeping and is Emerson crying?

I'm somewhere but I can't remember where or how I got there but I fight to open my eyes. I blink them open and I see a white room.
Where am I?
"God Emerson stop that god awful wailing!"

I jump at the sudden voice, she's awake! I throw myself at her and squeeze her body to mine for a hug.

"Oh my god Tinsley your awake!" I cried.

"Of course I'm alive you idiot, get off." She shoved me and frowned at me.

"Tinns do you know where you are?" I asked.

"No so tell me."

"Tinns, your in the hospital." I whispered.

I watched her face drop and she took in her surroundings before she gasped.

"Maddox." She sat up in fear.

"He's gone, no one knows where he is. Why didn't you tell me?"

"He was fine at first, never hit me but then he started again, I didn't know what to do. Then after the hallway disaster we got into it." She was crying now.

"There was so much blood I thought you were dead."

"I stabbed him, oh my god Dex." She looked at me for answers. "He found you at the park, you were bleeding and you hit your head."

I watched her take it in and wondered how she could be so strong in all of this. We sat like that for hours talking about what happened and then we talked about boys and other things is girls talk about, I knew deep down she was worried about Dex but she was still mad at him for what he said.

"Hey just try and stay away from him for a while I think you guys need time." I hugged her.

"Yeah.. Time." She sighed.
It's been a month since the incident with Maddox, I received word that they arrested him- but I could care less he's not my problem anymore.

Schools been different, people say hi and Kimmi doesn't insult me anymore, but as for Dex we haven't spoken since I blew up on him. He just disappeared, I haven't seen him or got a phone call from him it's as if he just ran away- from me.

I couldn't hide the hurt from his friends the day they came over and told me he just disappeared, not even a phone call to anyone simply a note with the words goodbye star. I knew it was for me, I cried for hours after they left leaving me to pick up the pieces of my life and move on from Dex.

And so I did.
One Year Later-

"Vincent Vladimir if you don't turn that music down I'll will cut your balls off and feed them to you!" I shouted.

"Okay ouch that's not nice." He laid down next to me and pouted.

"You know how I feel about loud music this early." I groaned. He just simply smiled at me.

"Welllll couldn't help it cause it's a special day!!" He started jumping up and down. Oh please make him stop.

"And what's that?" I raised my eyebrows. "It's..... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" All my roommates shouted coming into my room. Oh it's my birthday- I forgot.

"Awwww you guys."

"Oh god please don't start crying remember what happened last time?" Peter said laughing.

"Yes Vincent cried cause he didn't know what to do, great times." I shook my head.

"Soooo what'd you get me?" I purred at them.

They all threw their presents at me and jumped on my bed, Vincent and James got me a new stereo system since they broke my last one, Peter got me a charm bracelet since he flushed my other one, Austin got me a nail art kit, Jake got me hair extensions and Emerson got me new beanies, clothes and bless her heart! Nutella.

"You guys are the best seriously." I laughed and hugged them all. After Dex disappeared we all became really close and inseparable so we moved in together.

"Okay we have another surprise go to the kitchen." Emerson said softly.

I clambered out of bed and made my way down the landing to the stairs and I could smell something cooking and someone moving about in the kitchen. Once I got to the bottom step I ventured down the hall and lingered by the door listening to whoever was behind the door.
I could hear light humming and soft music playing, the saying curiously killed the cat was right because I found myself throwing the door open and I froze.

"Happy birthday Tinsley." He said.

I was frozen, I couldn't do anything but stare. Dex Thompson was standing in my kitchen holding a cake. I had so many questions I was angry, sad, and happy all at the same time.

I didn't hesitate, I threw myself at him and started crying. Before I started hitting him and screaming at him.

"Whoa whoa calm down, why are you hitting me?" He asked.

"You left without saying anything! Why did you leave?!" I shouted through my tears.

"I.. I went to find Maddox... And when they did I took Emerson's advice to give you space."

"For a year? I missed you you jackass!" I threw a fork at him which hit him in the head.

"Ouch! Fuck okay I get it your mad but a fork? Really?"

"It was the closest thing.." I huffed. I took this time to study him, it was as if he got more attractive and I found myself forgiving him.

"Your lucky I like you." I pulled him to me and kissed him like I should've done when I first laid eyes on him.

"Well I like you too." He chuckled.
I can't tell you Dex and I will be together forever, but I can tell you we'll be together until time feels we are no longer compatible for the world. All I know now is I am in love with this man and he loves me, that's all that matters.

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