Chapter 9

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Picture of Emerson^^^

"Tinsley what are you doing?" Emerson said making me scream and jump.

"Jesus tits Emerson! You scared the shat out of me!" I gasped.

"Well why are you crouched on the floor anyways?" She asked.

"I'm waiting for Dex so we can start this project and then get on with out lives." I sighed.

"That's a bit stalkerish how you know where he's gonna be." She raised her eyebrow.

I flicked her forehead. "You idiot I'm the one who helped out together everyone's schedule I know what class he has." I frowned.

"That's still weird."

"Whatever, you don't have to wait for me you know."

"Well actually yes I do, today's the football game and Peters party."

"Ugggg I forgot! Why did I agree to go!"

"Cause you love me."

"Whatever." I sighed before going back to waiting for Dex. We sat there for what felt like years! When I finally spotted him. Sweet tits I internally jumped up and down!

"Here he comes." I said.

Instead of him coming straight towards his locker he stopped in the middle of the hall with his friends and girlfriend. Ha poor girl. I was getting inpatient so I just decided to March over there and tell him to meet me in the library after school.

"Thompson." I shouted and everyone turned and looked at me.

"Um what?" He glared.

"Meet me in the library after school." I said and started walking away

Everyone was snickering which made me realize what I said sounded dirty. Oh my god I'm such a perv!

"Are you serious?" He girlfriend asked glaring.

Wtf is her problem?

"Yes" I frowned.

"Like he would meet you in the library nerd! Get lost and stop hitting on my boyfriend." She glared.

I frowned looking at all of them staring at me like is grown two heads and then I realized what I said sounded like. Oh my fucking god someone kill me right now!

"Fuck that's not what I meant." I slapped my forehead.

"I said get lost, he has me." She smirked.

I just stared at her. "Leave." She yelled.

"Oh my fucking monkey balls that is not what I meant! We have a project to do." I yelled.

No one said anything, just stared at me like I was an alien. Frankly they were pissing me off.

I grabbed Dex by his arm and dragged him across the hall with me.

"What the hell! What's your problem?" He yelled.

"Okay let's get one thing straight, one we have a project to do so I'm telling you to meet me in the library after school so we can finish it, two after the projects done you don't talk to me and I don't talk to me."

"Fine." He shrugged and walked away.

God he irritated me. I walked back to my locker and grabbed my stuff before heading to gym, my least favorite class. Yay.


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