Victoria Lively

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Picture Of Austin^^^^

As soon as I slammed the door closed I ran back to the living room for my feast and marathon.

"Fucking hate people." I snickered and dug into my teriyaki chicken and instantly moaned. "God I love food!" I said to no one.

It gets lonely here all myself, usually Emerson would be sitting here and stuffing her face but she all of a sudden couldn't.

I sighed and gorged myself in the food and tv show. I must have fallen asleep cause the doorbell woke me from my slumber.

"Who the fuck." I groaned before blindly making my way to the door.

"Fucking what human!?" I yelled swinging the door open.

"Are you always such a grouch?" Emerson said and stepped past me.

"When it comes to my sleep yes, now what time is and what the hell are you doing here?" I asked following her to the kitchen.

"It's one in the morning, and I got a weird phone call from your mom."

I froze. "My.. My mom? What the fuck does she want?" I said growling.

"I don't know I couldn't hear her, and I was awake and hungry so here we are." She smiled.

"Foods in the fridge bring it to the living room and we shall watch more walking dead." I sighed.

She squealed and I padded to the living room slouching in my spot on the couch.

We sat there for hours before we decided to sleep. "I'm gonna take a shower." She said as I jumped into my bed.

"Whatever." I muffled into the pillow before falling asleep.


I'm running through woods, I can't remember why I'm running just know I have to run from him. It's dark and I feel like the darkness is eating me. "Tinslecake you know you can't run far. I always find you." He laughed

"No." I yelled when he came into view. Those brown menacing eyes glare at me.

"See baby I always find you; your mine and only mine." He shuffled towards me. I scream and jump.

*End Of Nightmare.*

I shot up sweat running down my face, hair sticking up and stuck to my face and panting.

"God I think that's the worst one you've ever had." Emerson sits up running her hand through her hair.

"It felt so real." I choked

"Oh tins come here." She opened her arms for a hug.

"He's gone remember that, he can't hurt you anymore." She soothed.

"It hurts just to close my eyes and sleep." I sobbed.

We stayed like that until my alarm sounded through out my room, signaling time for school.

I started my shower feeling the numb quickly set in. I got out and went to my closet picking out my bright pink sports bra, an old volleyball shirt some leggings and my army combat boots.

I pulled on my army coat and my beanie before jogging downstairs to eat.

"Here take these." Emerson said shoving my pills in my hand with a bottled water and a muffin.

"Thanks." I smiled and drank them down before eating my muffin.

"Alright let's go tackle today!" She warrior screamed and raced towards my jeep. I shook my head following her.

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