Chapter 10

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Picture of Vincent^^^

Tinsleys P.O.V.
The in sufferable asshole! I was pissed- actually beyond pissed! The fucker didn't even show up to school day so guess who was stuck doing a project on their own? Oh only me of course! How was I supposed to know these things about him if he didn't show up? I was going to hang him but his nut-sack.

"Well miss Lively it would appear your partners not here." My teacher said.

"Really? I didn't notice." I muttered.

"Well lucky for you it seems his friend will help you." He gestured toward Vincent who shyly smiled at me.

"Whatever." I shrugged. He gathered his things and stalked over to Dex's seat. Up close you could see he had green eyes, whereas his brother had blue, he was goodlooking.

"Sorry about this." He scratched the back of his neck.

"It's fine you seem better then the jackass himself." I stated.

"Did you just call.. Wow." He said shocked. "Yeah sorry I didn't fall for his charm like the other girls." I smiled.

"You know I think were gonna be good friends." He laughed and you know what? I believed him. By the end of the period we were laughing and exchanging number to hang out.

"Thanks again for the help Vinny and we'll get coffee for sure this weekend." I handed him my number.

"Alright catch you later Tinns." He smiled and I looked over at his group looking at the two of us. Oh shit.. Oh wait I don't even care. But as soon as I thought that I caught a familiar face and I saw red.

"Are you shitting me." I said to myself. Low and behold the devil himself was standing with the group. I am going to ring his neck. I stomped my way over to them.

"Thompson." I growled and grabbed him and pulled him to the side. "You have a lot of nerve making me do this on my own, your so lucky Vinny helped me!" I poked him in the chest.

"You know your sexy when your mad." He smirked grabbing my hand. Now in this moment other girls would've dropped their pants right there, but me? I was pissed and I raised my hand and struck him.
That's right, I, Tinsley Lively smacked Dex Thompson in the face.

He looked beyond pissed and everyone around us was in shock. "You have no idea who your messing with Dex. Library after school or so help me god I'll make it to where you will never be able to enjoy sex for the rest of your life." I walked away before I smacked him again.

"Daaaaamn! My bestfriend is a baddass chick!" Emerson said looping her arm through mine. "Well if he thinks he's going to charm me while having a girlfriend, he is sadly mistaken." I shook my head.

"Well off to gym and then home!" She cheered. "We'll not home got to finish this project so I can get rid of Dex for good. So library then home." We ran to make it on time to have time to change. By the time class was over I was laying in the middle of the floor sweating and panting. "Why does the gym teacher hate is?" Emerson wined with her face smooshed to the floor.

"It's called a workout for a reason, your just lazy." I laughed and groaning at the burning in my body.

"Your used to it! You played soccer!! I've never even stepped into a gym before. I hate this." She groaned. I laughed and helped her up before we showered off the sweat and grime. After changing into yoga pants and my old soccer shirt I pulled on my boots and slumped my way to the library.
An hour later I was slamming my head into the table. I was going to end his life! He was late. Wait why am I waiting? I frowned and stood up gathering up my things and made a beeline to the doors. Before I had the chance to open the doors they flew open hitting me and I hit the floor.

Okay.. Ouch.! I opened my eyes and watched Dex run to the back of the library. Seriously? He didn't even look to see who he hit and see if they were okay? Asshole

"Tinsley why are you on the floor?" He asked frowning.

"Oh I like the floor- wait no some asshole flew open the doors!" I yelled at him. "Oh sorry?" He shrugged.

"Asshole, follow me." I brushed myself off and made my way back to the table pulling out the papers. I looked up and he was watching me with a weird look on his face.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." I snorted. "Ha ha funny, let's just do this." He cracked his fingers.

"Fine whatever." And I began the asking him questions. Now if you told me last week i would be in the library with Ded Thompson laughing and joking with him I would've told you to drop dead. After spending a few hours with him he wasn't so bad.

"I remember in 4th grade you came to school in a fairy costume." He laughed. "Hey I was 8 I wanted to be a fairy, sue me." I laughed putting my hands up.

"You know your not bad to hang around." He smiled. I thought about this for a second, I thought the same about him. Yes he pissed me off to no end but he wasn't bad company. "Your not so bad yourself either."

"Hey so there is this party tomorrow wanna maybe come?" He asked shyly. Party? I felt my face drop. Did I really want to go? Oh what the hell. Fuck it.

"Sure but can Emerson come? She's been wanting to drag me to one for months." I asked. "Sure, well I got go but see you tomorrow." He got up and left. Oh shit what did I just get myself into?
"Fuck! Emerson stop!" I yelled as she pelted me with pillows. "I've been begging you for months and Dex asks you once and you say fuck it why not?" She yelled.

"Well I asked if you could come and he said yes.." I trailed off.

"Alright your forgiven but I'm dressing you and everything." She squealed. I just went along with it I did not want to be pelted with pillows.. She hurt.

"Well it's Friday so let's watch movies and then tomorrow party!!" She jumped into my bed and I just shook my head but followed her. Y

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