Chapter 15

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Jade POV

Things have been really hectic since the court hearing. Nick has been popping up to my restaurant unannounced which leads to alot of paparazzi's.

"I don't think I can so this. How can I have my ex husband look after my babies?" Most would say I am overreacting and that they are also his kids. But it's just hard knowing I have never went a day without seeing my children or holding them.

"Calm down girl, let's not have your blood pressure skyrocket" Lily warned me knowing how I get whenever I start to overthink.

"Am not leaving him with them alone. I understand that he is the father and all but he doesn't even deserve to see them" I said bluntly.

"I understand you. What about if I supervise them while he is with them?" She asked and I thought about it for a few minutes. That was mostly not my decision to make since they would be with Nick.

I told her that I would think about it and she soon left my office.

"Jade! You have got to see this," I heard my employee Sarah about from outside my door.

"What is it now?" I asked with an exhausted tone.

I walked out the door and head to the receptionist area. There in front of me stood Sharon and who am assuming are her parents. That's not even all of it because next to Sharon is Amanda herself.

"Ugh. What is this annoy Jade's day?" I asked sarcastically.

"Am assuming your Ms. White," the man interrupts the silence.

"Yes I am her. Her is me," I laughed at my own joke. My employees who were also looking at the scene laughed.

I hear someone clear their throat and I looked up to see Amanda.

"Oh if it isn't Amanda Perez".

"Am I invincible or something?"Sharon interrupts.

"Oh how's the baby. I didn't do any damages did I?" I teased spitefully. I am not one to do these things but Nick and his fiancee brings out a different side of me.

"What baby is she talking about?"Sharon's mom interrupts.

"Oh your daughter didn't tell you my bad. Your her mother so I thought you would be the first person she told. Oops," I smirked.

"Let's just get to the point," her father who I have no idea what his name is interrupts again.

What's with this family and interrupting people. Am pretty sure they taught that back in elementary school and even at home. DON'T INTERRUPT OTHERS WHEN THEY ARE TALKING.

"Yes I wanna know to what do I owe you the pleasure."

Lily came in and the exact time they were about to start talking.

"So, you are the reason Mr. Smith broke off the engagement with my daughter..."

"Bless the Lord! He finally dumped that slut. I was seriously waiting for him to see that he messed up" Lily interrupts which make my employees and I laugh.

"Excuse me" Sharon screamed. "Daddy I don't like the way they are talking to me right now".

I start laughing at her antics acting like a little child.

"Newsflash you are not a child. Grow the fuck up and stop running to 'daddy' for everything".

"You have no respect for your elders young lady," her mom interrupts. I looked her up and down with disdain before deciding not to respond to that.

"Can you stop interrupting me? Why am I even entertaining you people?" I spoke out loud.

"Finally," someone shouted from behind me.

"Well you know where the door is so don't let it got you on the way out. I don't want all your germs on my property. As a matter or fact I'll gladly have you thrown out the back door," I said with a smirk on my face.

"You..." Amanda tried speaking.

"Callate" I said not realizing I switched to Spanish.

I started laughing at something I remember. "Rumor has it your business is going dooooooooooowwnnn. Nick dumps your daughter you lost even more investors and quite frankly the only people I feel bad for are your employees."

"Okay back to work everyone. We have alot of customers to look after unlike others. You better hurry and find another billionaire to arrange a marriage with or else BOOM goes your business," I laugh at my childish behavior.

"Let's just go honey," the mother said.

"Finally you said something that we both can agree with," I clapped while watching them leave.

Well there goes a turn of events.

I entered the playroom and see Jadeen playing with the toys. There are six other kids who were being watched by the nannies.

Jada was busy sleeping because she was up all night.

"Lily do you mind watching the girls for a little?"

I made a deal with Antonio that I will pick up Bre from school so I can atleast feel better about staying at his house.

I quickly entered my range Rover and sped off to her school listening to music.

I arrived at her school 20 minutes later and I went inside to pick her up. There were alot of other parents around waiting for their kids.

I saw her standing beside some other children and she gave a big cheeky grin when she saw me.

I walked towards her and she ran in my arm.

"I missed you so much" she grinned. "Meet my friends".

"This is Ana" she pointed to a Hispanic little girl. "Her full name is Anastasia". "This is Aubrey my bestest friend," she points to the African American girl who is next to a little boy .

"And this is Cam short for Cameron" she smiles pointing towards the little boy who I presume is also mixed like her.

"Hi" they chorused. I greeted them and then turned towards Bre who was pulling on my arm.

"Okay sweetie say bye to your friends so that we can go. Then we can even get ice cream".


Things pretty much went on from there. My mom wanted to come and pick up the twins to spend the night. Bre was about to leave to stay with her aunt and play with her cousin.

Lily was getting ready to go on a date with this guy she has been seeing.

Antonio will be back by 7:30 so I will be alone until then.

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