Chapter 17

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Nick POV

I paced back and forth infront of Jade's office. My mind kept replaying everything she said for the last few minutes.

I thought by now we could come to an agreement which would make us close then she won't be able to resist me. Then I heard her say the last thing I wanted to hear.

"Lily I just did something which I think is wrong but it felt so right," I heard her say to her.

"What exactly did you do Jay?" Lily asked her and that peaked my interest. After the way she made it sound it must have been something major that she had done.

"I had sex with Antonio. It was just so great" she gushed on and that immediately made me freeze in my position.

"Oh my gosh" I heard the Lily girl squeal. "About time! I have no idea how you stayed that long without sex" she said and the excitement could be heard in her voice.

"What if things start to become awkward?" Jade could be heard asking. Her voice was low as if she didn't want anyone else to hear.

"I don't think it will unless you make it awkward" the Lily girl answered.

"Okay let's not talk about it anymore."

I walked away for the door and went towards the reception area. Worlds couldn't explain how I felt in this very moment m I thought we were working things out somehow and she has sex with my biggest rival.

"Can someone please get the owner?" I shouted getting their attention.

"Okay sir" someone said and went towards the area where I was a few minutes ago.

Jade walked out and came towards the area. She rolled her eyes when she saw that it was me.

"How may I help you Mr. Smith"?

"Drop the formalities Jade. I was thinking we have a talk over coffee".

"About what exactly because the only things we have in common is the girls".

"Just please accept and you will see".


"Don't worry I'll forgive your little incident" I told her.

"What little incident"?

"Just meet me in the restaurant two blocks from here".

"Just great" she replied sarcastically.

"I'll also pick up the girls from there just be sure they have everything they will need for the next three days," I responded staring at her. Maybe it's just the fact that I haven't seen her in almost two years but she was gorgeous.

I gave her a smile and went in for a hug but she stepped back.

"Too much dip on your chip, Nick" she said backing away.

'okay this is how you wanna play it

I left the restaurant with two body guards and they drove towards the other restaurant.

I sat for a few minutes noticing people taking pictures but I disregard it.

Jade came in a few minutes later and took a seat in front of me. I was sitting with Jadeen in my lap while she held Jada.

"So what is this all about?" she ask impatiently.

"I think we should start over" I looked her straight in the eyes.

She started laughing until she noticed I wasn't laughing. "Oh wait you are serious?" She asked and I frowned.

"Yes. I know I messed up but I wasn't thinking straight".

"Yeah I know what you mean. Sex do that to people like last night I was so not thinking straight. #bestsexever" she smirked knowing it would cause a reaction.

"I can't believe you are doing this just to spite me. Jade am sorry and I get it we are even now".

"No that's where you are wrong. We are not even because am not playing these silly games. We are grown Nick, you made your choice and you can't just come into my life and dictate it" she snapped at me.

"Okay how about we start by you being my date to this event tonight?" I ask her and she looked at me as it I was dumb

"You are suppose to be watching the girls today. This was not thought though and am starting to think your only doing this to hold something over me. What are you gonna do get the girls a nanny on the first night they stay with you?" She says drinking some of the water from her glass.

"We can have my mother watch them or your mother" I suggested and she chuckled.

"Nope not happening! The only time that would happen is if they are the last resort."

"Okay I guess. Maybe another time?" I said but it came out more of a question.

"I'll be busy those other times too. Now this was a great talk," she got up ready to leave the restaurant.

I looked through the glass windows and saw paparazzi's taking pictures.

"You have got to be kidding me" I muttered lowly before getting up to leave. I placed a 50 on the table before leaving behind her. We were both carry both one sister in out hand as we made our way to my car.

I already had car seats inside for the girls because we planned on letting them go with me.

After Jade minutes of watching Jade become emotional she gave them a final kiss and walked to her car after telling me to take care of her babies.

I arrived to the hotel soon and went straight to my penthouse. It was a struggle taking both girls along with their diaper bags.

"You have to be kidding me" I said as I saw Sharon sitting on the couch. "what are you doing here?" I asked her placing the diaper bags down.

She eyes the girls before looking back at me.

"I decided to forgive you for everything you said to me. I decided to give us one more chance at this" she smiled and I tried my best not to laugh.


"No, What do you mean?"

"Simple N O, I was the one who ended this thing. I don't want to marry or for you to even be my girlfriend. You were always the rebound girl" I told her truthfully and she was a bit taken back by my statement which had me questioning her thought process.

"You don't mean that Nick" she got up and started walking towards me. The girls were staring at each other talking in baby gibberish.

"Oh but I do. I realized you are not wife material and I also found out about your little pregnancy scandal."

"Please Nick we are made for each other."

"Nope we are not. Quite frankly I am still in love with my ex so that could never work.

"That bitch always getting in the way of things. I'll just take care of her myself..."

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