Chapter 24

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Jade's POV

It has been a week since everything that has happened and Antonio had to leave for California earlier than expected.

"Mama," I looked behind me to see Lily walking downstairs with one of the girls. It was very obvious it was Jada because I started dressing them in different colors, so that it will not be hard for others to recognize them.

"Aww. My sweetie poo," I took her and kissed all over her face. I placed her down in her high chair and looked at Lily who was talking to me.

"Jadeen is still knocked out upstairs. I am surprised she didn't wake up with all the noise the movers were making upstairs," Lily told me taking a place next to me.

Yes, we finally moved into the new house and the paparazzi has not located it thank goodness. There has been alot of chaos going on in the media lately especially with the kardashians. That kind of took all the attention away from my life and I could not be happier.

" So, what do you think of the new place?" I asked Lily although she no longer stays with us. She pops up every now and then since I moved and she helps out alot.

" It's really nice and a great size for all of you."

I nodded and checked my phone watching the camera that was installed in the twins room. The camera gives a shot of every angle so I can see who goes inside and leave.

Jadeen was moving around and I could tell she was about to wake up.

" I'll be right back," lily nodded and I went up many stairs we had.

I walked into the room and noticed that Jadeen was sitting up in her crib. That was the first thing that I had fixed when we moved in, everything is getting put into place slowly but surely. I even took the liberty and started working on my closet and it is one-third of the way completed.

"Hey little mama," I kissed her but she was not having any of that. She nuzzles her head on my chest and I held her closer to me.

"I missed you guys so much while you were at your nana's. Yes I did" she giggles when I lightly tickle her.

I was walking towards the staircase when I heard the doorbell ring.

Lily went to open the door and then she started speaking to someone whose voice sounded familiar.

I walked towards the livingroom and placed Jadeen down beside her sister.

I walked towards the front door the same time Lily allowed Melony inside.

" Hey Mel," I said as I pulled her in for a hug.

"Hey Ms. White," she greets back although I told her to just call me Jade.

"Just Jade. Ms. White makes me sound really old." We all laugh at what I said and we walked into the livingroom.

We got really close with her and started to understand her more. She never really mentions the father of her baby to anyone but she told me the story the day of her appointment.

"So how are you feeling?" Lily asked her as we sat down on the couch. It was still wrapped in the plastic because I did not get to it yet.

" I don't know to tell you the honest truth," she looks down at her shoes and sighs.

"Don't worry you got this," I rubbed her shoulder to encourage her because she was lacking confidence.

Melony was to be induced May 6 because she is not able to go all the way with her pregnancy.

Lily soon left to go and check on the restaurant construction area.

The movers finished placing all the furniture that I ordered and it was just Melony, the twins and I.

Melony was playing with Jadeen while I held Jada bouncing her on my lap.

"So I have been meaning to ask you" I started the conversation and the place got quiet. "Are you sure about placing the baby up for adoption?"

She stayed silent for a few minutes before contemplating her answer.

" Am not. But I can't just think about myself anymore, the father made it clear he wants nothing to do with the baby and I am not stable enough to take care of a child".

I let what she said settle for a minute before making my approach.

" So why don't you let me take care of you and the baby?" I could tell that she was shocked by my offer.

"What do you mean?"

" I mean I raise and take care of the baby and you continue with your education. Atleast just think about it before you give your final answer" I practically pleaded with her without actually showing it.

"Why would you do that for me? I am just a mere stranger that got knocked up at 14 (I can't remember if I said she was 14 or 15 before, so we will just go with this one).

" Don't say that about yourself because a baby is a blessing. The thing is when I had my kids it was the best and worst day of my life".

"How? I thought you were-"

"I lost my baby boy the same day. He was my little surprise baby because throughout my whole pregnancy I was not aware that there were three babies."

"Am so sorry to hear that," she said softly and I just nodded.

"It's okay. That is one of the reason I actually asked you that question. I have grown quite attached to this baby that I don't know the thought of him being placed in the hands of a stranger-"

"It pains you?" she asked with tears in her eyes.

"Yes. I know you feel worse because you were the one who is carrying him until his birth, but this way you will not really be apart".

We sat listening to the sound of the babies babbling about whatever they are talking about.

I stood up and went into the kitchen so that I could make them some mashed potatoes. I got this from my mom who let them try it and they ended up loving it... I think.

I was in the middle of cleaning the potatoes when Melony entered the kitchen.


"Wait what?" Iasked dumbfounded.

"I will give you the rights to become his legal guardian."

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