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𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍 the deck of the ship, I couldn't help but stare up at the giant island before us. Green tendrils of mist and hazy grey fog roamed around the ship, the sky was dull with no wind and the sun felt cold.

After speaking to the blue star, everyone ate as much as they could at Aslan's table, filling our stomachs to gain the energy we needed. Right at sunrise, we set sail, back onto the sea to bring back the last sword.

Shivers went up my spine at the thought of entering the evil place, a black abyss hidden under its dark spindly walls. As the ship neared the place, the crew's conversation slowly started to die out, almost like our energy was being drained.

Lifting my chin more to take in the sheer size of the island, I muttered, "What do you think is in there?"

One by one, Edmund, King Caspian and Drinian answered with something nobody wanted to hear at a time like this: Our worst nightmares. Our darkest wishes. Pure evil.

Turning to Edmund, who was standing behind me and to the right, I gave him a look of fear and dread. Never in my life would I have thought that I would be going into battle, fighting some form of evil to save people's lives; putting my own life in danger. Thinking of all the soldiers who volunteered to fight in the war back in England, my heart swelled in pride and worry for all of those souls.

Smiling back at me in reassurance, Edmund mouthed the words It's okay quietly, making my heavy heart lift a tiny bit, though I was still annoyed with him.

Drinian, who was steering at the wheel, walked to the top of the stairs, overlooking the crew, "Tavros, unlock the armoury. Archers, prepare yourselves. Light the lanterns."

A chorus of Aye, Captain sang throughout the ship, a reluctant tone hidden within it. As the crew dispersed, Drinian folded his arms behind his back and muttered, "Let's get ready."

Standing in front of a tall mirror in Lucy's room, I watched as she attached a sword to my hip, buckling the leather strap into the loops of my pants. I had put on a thicker piece of chest armour, which was made of leather, shoulder pieces made of steel to protect my body from smashing into things.

"The sword Caspian picked out for you should be okay, it's lighter than the ones they use," Lucy commented as she finished fiddling with the strap, laughing slightly at the situation, "Just make sure you don't swing too far back or you'll cut yourself."

"Lucy..." I breathed, staring at her face in the mirror. When she turned to face me, I could tell that she knew exactly what I was thinking, "I don't think I can do this."

Smiling softly, she grasped both my hands in her own, "Dawn, I know you can, you just have to have faith that this will all turn out okay. Aslan will help us, I promise."

Nodding my head, I mentally prepared myself for what was to come, "And if I die, you'll use your magic healing stuff on me right?"

Laughing at my gruesome joke, Lucy nodded her head eagerly before pulling me into a tight hug, leaving no room for air, "In case we don't get through... whatever this is, I want you to know that I think of you as my sister. It doesn't matter what happens between you and Ed."

Hugging her back just as tightly, I smiled into her shoulder, happiness flooding into my heart and the thought of her. Lucy has been a big part of being in Narnia; she has helped with my relationship with Edmund greatly, as well as constantly reassuring me that I am supposed to be in this world, there is a reason for all of this happening, not just some fluke. Aslan had a plan for me, one that I would prosper in, "Me too, you're like the sister I always wanted."

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