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𝐌𝐘 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃 surfaced the salty water and into the bright sunlight. I sucked in a large gulp of warm air, swallowing a little water in the process.

I coughed a little bit and whipped my head around in all directions. We were in the middle of the ocean! Huge waves rippled through the water, crashing into one another. There was nothing in sight in every direction, that was until I heard Lucy holler Edmund's name.

I turned to look at her, and finally noticed a huge wooden ship sailing directly towards us. It looked exactly like the ship from the painting in Lucy's room, with the purple sails and dragon at the front of the ship. It was dangerously beautiful.

I clung to Edmund tightly as a wave washed over us from the movement of the ship, hoping that I won't end up drowning by the end of this.

"What's happening? Where are we?" I heard Eustace question from close by, he sounded just as panicked as I felt.

"Eustace, swim!" Lucy called in response, grabbing him by the forearm and dragging him behind her as she tried her best to swim as fast as possible, "Eustace, come on!"

Edmund turns both of us around and swims in the same direction Lucy was headed in, his arm tightly secured around my waist. I try to help him out as much as possible, but my efforts seem to have been very minimal.

I choke on more salt water and gulp in more air to counterbalance it. Getting my breath for a second, I take the opportunity to voice what I have been screaming in my head since the painting started leaking water, "What's going on?"

"I don't know. Just keep swimming! Come on, move!" Edmund stressed as he looked behind us, back at the ship.

I spared a glance behind us as well and I noticed the ship had gotten significantly closer and was now right on our tails. Panic spread through my body like a wildfire and I pushed myself to go faster. I could faintly hear Lucy screaming at Eustace to keep swimming.

I heard three loud splashes behind us after I turned back around. I spared a glance again and noticed that three new people were in the water, most likely from the ship.

One man, who looked in his young twenties, swam right up to Lucy and grabbed her. She let out a scream and called Edmund's name again.

He shushed her screams and called out, "It's all right. I've got you."

She immediately whipped around, doing a double take, "Caspian!"

"Lucy," The man laughed, his chest heaving the salt water.

"Edmund, it's Caspian!" Lucy called out and as soon as she did, Edmund stopped dragging me through the water and away from the ship.

"It's all right, boys and girls. You're safe now," A bald man told us, coming straight over towards Edmund and I.

He reached to grab Edmund first but he pushed me in front of him before he could touch him, "Take her first."

The bald man nodded, grabbed me instead and helped me wade through the rippling waves.

"Are we in Narnia?" I heard Edmund ask from quite a ways behind me.

"Yes, you're in Narnia!" Was the response.

Narnia? Like as in the place Edmund talked about so highly? The place he loved but couldn't go back without help?

The bald man grabbed onto a braided rope, gesturing for me to grab the identical one across from it, and I did as asked. We both stepped onto a wide wooden plank and it suddenly was yanked out of the water, lifting us up onto the supposed boat from the painting in Lucy's room.

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