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𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐏𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐔𝐓 of the longboat and onto the rocky soil, I took a look around. The entire landscape was barren and dried out like it hadn't rained on this island for hundreds of years and large boulders were scattered around in random places.

"I doubt the lords stopped here, my liege. There's no sign of anything living," Drinian commented to King Caspian, giving him a sympathetic look. I was still holding a little grudge against the captain for what happened during the endless storm, not that I wasn't grateful to be alive.

King Caspian nodded in defeat, "Right. Well, take your men and search for food and water. The four of us will look for clues," He gestured to Edmund, Lucy and I, as well as himself.

Eustace glanced at us and counted under his breath, "Hang on, you mean the five of us," When we didn't answer, he groaned and threw his hands in the air, "Come on, please don't send me back to the rat."

"I heard that," Reepicheep called from the shoreline.

"Big ears," Eustace mumbled quietly.

"I heard that too," The small mouse stated in a sarcastic voice. I covered my mouth with my hand to quiet the laugh I was trying to hide.

Drinian gained Eustace's attention with raised eyebrows and gestured to a basket still in one of the rowboats, "Go on, unload it all."

The walk around the island was somewhat quiet and not what I thought it would be, the only conversation was to point something out to the others, whether it be a cool structure or a loose stone that was a tripping hazard.

"How do you think Eustace is doing?" I questioned quietly, as to not disturb the silence too much while we kept walking.

"I hope he's actually doing something and not complaining," Edmund stated with a look of annoyance, smiling at me when I glanced at him from the corner of my eye.

Lucy shook her head and sighed, "Edmund, you need to learn to get along with him. He--"

Lucy was cut off by my scream that seemed to echo around the vast land. My right foot went to step on the rocky soil, but fell into a plunging hole instead, the upper half of my body tipping to the right and landing harshly on the ground. I grabbed a large stone that jutted out of the dirt, "What just happened?!"

The three remaining explorers laughed at my expense and didn't make a move to help me up, "Dawn, you should know when you fall in a hole."

I glared at King Caspian and spoke with frustration, "That's not funny," Using all of my muscle strength, I pulled myself up enough to lay down on my back for a second, then forced myself to stand on my feet.

"Look, we're not the first ones on this island," Lucy commented, pointing to a thick rope tied to a boulder nearby, the twine went down into the hole and to as far as I could see.

"The lords?" Edmund questioned with uncertainty, peering over the edge.

King Caspian shrugged his shoulders and looked at the three of us, "Could be. Good find, Dawn."

I laughed at the irony of the situation, "Thank you, I guess."

"What do you think could be down there?" Lucy asked, leaning down to tug on the rope, seeing how strong it was and if it would be able to hold our weight. King Caspian took the rope from her hands and gripped it firmly.

"Let's find out," King Caspian lowered himself into the hole and disappeared from sight, after a few seconds we heard his feet hit the ground and he called back up to us, "You can come down now!"

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