Chapter 10

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Kenzie ran all the way to the parking lot of the arena where the tour bus still sat. The guards were out making sure no one got even near it. She knew Charlotte would be asleep but she called her to wake her up anyways.
"Kenzie, it's like one in the morning," Charlotte griped.
"I'm right outside the tour bus," Kenzie spoke. "Come let me in."
"Why are you out there? Where's your dad?" Charlotte started to question.
"Charlotte, stop worrying and just come let me in," Kenzie commanded.
Charlotte ended the conversation with Kenzie. Moments later, the tour bus tour opened to reveal the petite blonde in sweatpants and a t-shirt, her hair tossed in a bun. Kenzie ran into the bus with her best friend.
"Kenzie what are you doing here?" Charlotte asked.
"My dad figured out about everything," Kenzie mumbled.
"Be more specific," Charlotte said.
"Literally, everything Char!" Kenzie exclaimed. "The drinking, the partying, the boyfriend, everything!"
"What happened?" Charlotte asked.
The back room of the tour bus creaked open. Carrie peered out to see what all of the commotion was about. She was actually not surprised that Kenzie was with Charlotte. Mike had called Carrie almost as soon as he figured out she ran away.
"Hey, girls," Carrie said.
The two grew quiet, "Hey."
"Kenzie, can I talk to you alone for a second?" Carrie asked.
Kenzie nervously nodded and walked back into Carrie's bedroom with her. Carrie closed the door behind her wanting privacy. Carrie patted down a spot on the bed for Kenzie to sit on. Kenzie did so.
"So you snook out, huh," Carrie said.
MacKenzie shrugged, "I guess."
"You have your dad worried sick, you know," Carrie told her. "Running away in the middle of the night in a city you certainly have no idea where you're going. What if something happened to you?"
"Dad probably doesn't care," Kenzie replied. "He hates me right now."
"Your dad does not hate you and he never, ever will. Just like I will never hate Charlotte," Carrie spoke. "You're dad is disappointed. He only wants what's best for you. All this new partying and boyfriends, it isn't safe, Kenzie. Not only can you get in much more trouble besides getting grounded but you can also get hurt."
"I get that partying is bad. I know that," Kenzie said. "But why is it such a big deal to have a boyfriend?"
"Does your boyfriend drink or smoke?" Carrie asked.
Kenzie thought about it. She knew she couldn't lie to Carrie. She looked at her guilty and nodded.
"Is he the one that encourages you to do this stuff?" Carrie asked.
Kenzie started forming tears in her eyes as she nodded ever so slightly. Carrie gave her a sympathetic look as she wrapped one of her arms around her. Kenzie cried as everything started to make sense.
"It's okay, sweetie," Carrie soothed. "One of these days you're going to find someone who treats you better than you do yourself. He's going to encourage you to do the right things. Just promise me a few things."
Kenzie looked at her waiting for what she had to say.
"I want you to be honest with your dad because he loves you to all ends," Carrie said. "And if you're uncomfortable talking to him about something, tell me. No more partying or sneaking out or drinking. And don't let guys control what you do or say."
Kenzie nodded as she hugged Carrie and whispered, "Thank you."
"Don't thank me so fast," Carrie told her. "I know you probably don't want to talk to your dad right now but he's probably running worried looking for you. How 'bout you call him and tell him where you are."
"Do I have to?" Kenzie asked.
Carrie nodded authoritatively. In less than an hour after the call, they opened the tour bus door to reveal Mike. Kenzie ran to him and immediately gave him the biggest hug ever. "I'm so sorry Daddy," Kenzie cried.
Mike wrapped his strong arms around her and placed a kiss on her forehead, "I still love you."

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