Chapter 9

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"You and I are having a talk," Mike stated as soon as Kenzie and him got through the door of the hotel room. "Now."
"About?" Kenzie asked with curiosity.
"Hm, where to start..." Mike trailed off. "Let's start off with how you've lied to me practically all summer!"
Kenzie blushed of embarrassment and the fact that she had gotten caught. She was never really good at lying. Especially to her father.
"I trusted you, Kenz," Mike's voice raised. "I trusted you that you were hanging out with the right people, that you were doing the right things, and if anything happened, you would tell me and be honest with me."
"I'm sorry, I just-"
"Just what?!" Mike cut her off. "You just wanted to see what it was like to drink and party until you don't remember it in the morning?! Until you've thrown up four or five times?! You don't get anywhere but trouble doing that stuff, MacKenzie. You could have gotten tossed in jail for the night, passed out, kicked off the cheer team, anything! And I swear, if that secret boyfriend of yours has something to do with-"
"Just stop," Kenzie muttered tears developing in her eyes.
"I'm not going to stop," Mike replied. "You got yourself into this mess. I'm disappointed that you did these things but most importantly, I'm disappointed that you lied to me. I thought you would know the kind of trouble that stuff gets you in. Look at your mother."
There was silence at the thought of Kenzie's alcoholic and drug addict mother who died when Kenzie was three.
"You're grounded," Mike said. "Two months. No phone except when you're at school. Extra chores with no allowance. No going out with friends or boyfriends, anything. We clear?"
MacKenzie nodded as the tears kept going. She watched her dad go to the bathroom and close the door behind him. She hated being treated this way. He never understood her. This was her time. If she wanted to leave, she could do it now. She took the phone that her dad had confiscated and bolted out the door. She didn't know exactly where she was going, but it was anywhere her dad wasn't.

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