Chapter 3

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That night after MacKenzie was in bed, Mike could not stop thinking about Carrie. It wasn't just her outer exterior that made Carrie seemed so beautiful. It was the inner beauty that amazed him. He knew he just couldn't simply forget she ever existed. That couldn't happen. Mike got out his phone and immediately called his best friend.
"Hey man, what's up," Mark answered.
"Hey, you would have Carrie Underwood's number right?" Mike asked.
"What kind of a question is that?" Mark joked. "Why do you need it? I'm not really supposed to give out her number."
"It's a long story. Can't you just give it to me?" Mike begged.
"I've got all day," Mark asked. "How 'bout you tell me this story."
"Our girls had this school project and we met and I really like her and I just really need her number," Mike told him as fast as possible.
"You gonna ask her on a date?" Mark questioned.
"Somethin like that," Mike laughed.
"All jokes aside though, treat her right, Fisher," Mark said. "Carrie's like a little sister to me and I've seen a lot of really bad guys walk into her life and it's left her and that kid of hers in pain. Don't be like them."
"Mark, you know I would never do anything like that," Mike spoke truthfully.
The best friend ended up giving Mike his crush's number the next day he called her. To his luck, she answered.
"Hello?" she answered.
"Carrie this is Mike Fisher, MacKenzie's dad. I got your number from Mark," he informed her.
"Oh hey! What's up?" she answered in a more friendlier tone.
"I was wondering if Kenz and I could take up that church offer you gave us?" Mike asked.
"Ya!" Carrie exclaimed. "Sunday service starts at 11."
"Awesome, would you and Charlotte be up for lunch afterwards?" Mike questioned.
"We would love that," Carrie giggled.
Sunday Carrie was freaking out. She didn't know what to wear, what to do, how to do her hair, anything. Last time she saw Mike, she was in sweatpants and a hoodie. She had to dress to impress. He would think she's some sort of lazy person if she didn't. She picked out a blue flowered dress that slipped just above the knee. She tossed some silver heels with it as she made her hair nice and wavy and made sure her makeup was flawless.
"Mama, why are you so nervous? It's just church," Charlotte said entering her mother's bathroom.
"I'm not nervous," Carrie argued.
"Every time you get nervous while getting ready you accidentally poke yourself with the mascara wand which you did for both eyes today," Charlotte pointed out. "Is it because Mike is going to be there?"
"Char, can you just cut me a break?" Carrie complained in a light tone. She had rights to be nervous. This was the first guy she had ever gone to church with.
The mother and daughter finished getting ready for church and were then on their way. They wanted to get there a couple of minutes early so they would be able to greet Mike and MacKenzie.
Carrie waited impatiently in the pews next to Charlotte as she fiddled with her fingers. A few minutes before the service started, Mike showed up in a charcoal dress shirt and black dress pants. He cleaned up well as did MacKenzie who was wearing a beautiful yellow dress. Mike sat down next to Carrie as MacKenzie made her way to sit next to Charlotte.
"You made it," Carrie smiled.
"We sure did," Mike grinned back. "You look beautiful."
"Thank you," Carrie blushed. "You clean up nice yourself."
A couple of minutes, the service started. A little less than an hour later, the church was released meaning it was time for lunch.
"We still doing lunch?" Mike asked Carrie.
"Ya I mean, we've gotta eat anyways," Carrie said struggling to get her words out.
"Daddy, can we go to Olive Garden?" MacKenzie asked.
Mike smiled, "That sound good to you guys?"
"Yes!" Charlotte spoke for both her and her mother.
The group got into their separate vehicles and headed off down the road to Olive Garden. Once there, Charlotte and Carrie filed into one side of the booth while Mike and MacKenzie filed in on the other side. The group was quiet at first until Carrie spoke up, "So I was just wondering...why did you guys move here to Nashville?"
"I play hockey professionally. I used to play up in Ottawa in my hometown but I got traded to Nashville," Mike answered.
"Wow, so you're from Canada?!" Charlotte asked in a surprised tone.
MacKenzie nodded, "We would've stayed there forever if we could but I guess it was the change of plans."
"We're getting along just fine here, I think," Mike looked over to his daughter who nodded with him.
"Well, I've gone to many Preds games with Aunt Ivey and Uncle Mark. Now, I'm actually going to know one of the players! This is so cool!" Charlotte squealed making Mike giggle.
"Well, what about you Carrie?" Mike asked. "You seem to be the big talk around here. We here your stuff on the radio all the time and posters of you up everywhere."
Carrie couldn't help but blush. She didn't even have much to say to that.
"Mom's actually playing at the Opry on Tuesday," Charlotte spoke for her knowing her mother was somewhat in a trance.
"Ever since we got here I've been wanting to go to the Opry!" MacKenzie exclaimed.
"You should come with us," Charlotte suggested.
"Really?!" MacKenzie asked. "Oh Daddy, can I please go?"
"I have no way of getting you there. I'll be in Boston for a game," Mike told her.
Carrie spoke up finally, "She can stay with us. That way also she doesn't have to miss any school."
"Carrie you don't have to-" Mike replied before he was cut off.
"Oh, it'll be fun," Carrie smiled.

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