TWO: Pillow Talk

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Δ TWO: Pillow Talk Δ

Introducing: Nadine Lustre


Claps filled the area as screams echoed the arena, effectively fueling my adrenaline as I walked out on the stage, a big smile already placed on my face as my heart filled with pride at the sight of my fans, waving and screaming my name.

"Magandang Gabi sa inyong lahat!" I screamed as I waved back, the start of Para-paraan booming.

I really am so tired of this song having to sing to it countless of times but I forget it the moment I see my fans singing along.


Para-paraan, paraan...

I continue to sing the first two lines walking right and left across the stage, my body moving with the song, pumping me up.

The screams grew louder, and I knew Hayme just entered. As instructed months before at the start of my career, and reminded every mall show before we perform, I look towards my very handsome partner.

It wasnt a lie when I said James is my partner-in-crime. When we got pass the awkward Hey-we're-suppose-to-look-like-we-like-each-other phase it was as if we knew each other for years and not months.

I guess it started when James first got my pillow by accident...

We just finished shooting Scene 73 for Diary ng Panget and I was beat dead tired, and so was James based on the way he was dragging his feet as we made our way towards our tents. Imagine our joy when Direk told us we could take a nap! It was like saying Arianna Grande commented on my photo.

"Ini-order ko na ang mga kape niyo" Peter (NOT A REAL STAFF...probably) said, a clipboard in hand. And walked away without looking at us.

Hmm someone else looks like they need coffee.

"Lets go Nadine" James said. We were still getting to know each other and were still in the borders of the awkward stage. But we knew the basic stuff. Like I know he likes the color green, and he knows I like blue

I walked towards the tiny make-up station and took out the pigtails in my extremely mess hair. Through the mirror I see James laying on his side facing my chair, his eyes were closed but his hand was slowly inching towards my princess pillow. I remember him saying how he likes to hold on to something when he sleeps. His manager gave him a blue throw pillow but I guess he forgot to bring it with him.

I watch as he pulled my pillow towards his chest and then he snuggles with it, and then takes a whiff of my pillow. Its a good thing I had it washed this morning.

He looks so freaking adorable!

I look around to see if anyone was with us, but like always we were alone. I took my phone out of its charger and walked towards James' side and took a pic of him with his face snuggled close to my pillow, his face peaceful.


My eyes widened in fear of James waking up. I watch intently as James slowly comes to until I see his gorgeous-sleepy eyes.

We stare at each other for I dont know how long and then we laugh.

I dont know if its because I looked so scared or because James looks so confused, I dont know...

We just laughed in unison, and from then on we knew what the other wanted to say without actually saying it.

After our laughing spree we then talked about everything and nothing as though we were reminiscing.

As we both fall silent, the last thing I hear James say before sleep completely took over was: "I like your pillow"

If I was asked who my bestfriend is in this industry, my immediate and sure answer would be a certain half-Australian with a body to die for.

Robert James Reid.

Contrary to haters, I actually like the name Robert, it doesnt work for most people yes, but it definitely is adorable in before James and Reid!

I walk towards Hayme-a nickname Andre used to annoy James. It worked for a while until James grew fond of it. BACKFIRED!

As instructed what seems like years ago, I look towards the left stage where James started his dance a small tired smile on his face.

I know for a fact James hides his emotions well, but his facade slips and i love those moments of vulnerability. And although i like his mysterious side, it can get annoying when all i wanted to do was make him smile but not sure if i should state a joke because he might not be in the mood.

I gave him a smile back, squeezing his hand that was wrapped around mine, then we turned to face our screaming crowd.

Throughout the whole performance I would give him small smiles as he would stare at me. When we were back at the van going to what was next on our itinerary for the rest of the day, he immediately leaned against the seat and closed his eyes. I followed suit, my head resting only inches from him.

It was quiet for a while as I listened to his breathing and the song playing softly from the radio. I was on the verge of sleep when I felt something hot and heavy fall on my shoulder. I didnt bother checking what it was.

It was only Hayme anyway. This i was sure of since it became a regular thing. It was either i sleep on his shoulder, which by the way is really really comfy, or he sleeps on mine.

Lost in my thoughts, I almost missed what James muttered. It was no big deal really. What he said. But gave my tummy the butterflies and a smile to stretch across my face. As it did everytime he says it.

"Goodnight Naddie"

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