× EIGHT: Eternalized in Polariods

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I wanna see those pics!!!
Remember: Always for 2 diff things; Alan Rickman & JaDine WAS RUSHED

∆ EIGHT: Eternalized in Polaroids ∆

"Nadz!" A voice called out. Nadine turned to the direction of the voice and laughed in surprised. James had gotten a candid picture of her using her polaroid camera.

"Ikaw ha! Nakakailan ka nang pictures!" Nadine jokingly warned. She did not worry about losing refill polaroids as she had brought thousands with her (and about a hundred more at her house from friends and fans).

James just laughed as he held the polaroid, waiting for the picture to develop. He felt a weird tingling sensation in his chest area when Nadine wasn't paying any attention to him the moment they got to the location they were in now. The moment their van doors opened, Nadine rushed out, camera and phone in hand, and started snapping pictures of everything.

She didn't even wait for me, James thought glumly. He pouted when he saw her run off, like a child, and pretended that he was entranced with the view too when really all he wanted was to take a ton of photos of his girl.

His girl...

It felt right thinking about having Nadine as his, and it felt perfect saying it out loud (in the confinement of their dressing room, of course). It sounded f**king amazing when Bret said it one night.

It was the boys night out, and James' smile reached ear to ear. None of the other boys questioned it, assuming that it was work related or he got laid but his best mate knew better.

James saw Bret give him a knowing look when his brother, Tom upon arriving at the private area, asked him if he was already drunk.

"Oh he's drunk mate." Bret said, barely controlling his laugh.

All the boys' attention were now on them and James gave Bret a warning look which did not have any affect at all.

"But James hasn't drunk anything yet" Mike said

"Oh it's a different kind of drunk" Bret said, this time he was giggling. His face was red from the alcohol and his laughter

A chorus of "whuuuts" echoed the area.

"Oh ya know...He's drunk off his girl" Bret fell of the couch he was sitting on from laughter. Soon after, there were wolf whistles and loud teasings that overpowered the loud club music.

James was sure he looked like a tomato but at least he was able to give Bret a satisfying kick to the thigh.

His best mate annoyed him that night but he could've been happier that day (aside from the fact that Nadine gave him a peck on the lips before going to the club, hence the giddy smile on his face) than having to know that people - boys - knew that hid leading lady is taken.

"Hoy James!" Nadine snapped her fingers in front of the young man's face. She had been calling out his name a few times but the boy stared at the lake, a smile growing on his face as though he was reminiscing.

Ano kaya pinagiisapan nitong gwapong lalaki na toh, Nadine thought.

"Hmm, yeah?" James' eyes focused on her, and Nadine was glad that she learned to control the elephants in her stomach every time James looked straight at her eyes. HIs eyes were her weakness. That boy could tell her to jump to the freezing lake beside them and she would. All he had to do was convey them through his eyes.

"Go there and I'll take a pic of you" Nadine as she grab hold of her camera and pointed at a space near the large groups of rocks.

They were given half an hour break as the crew set everything up for the short scene they would be doing. James and Nadine, the ever-photography loving couple that they are took the opportunity to snap shots of the breathtaking sunset and San Francisco bridge.

James walked to the spot Nadine pointed to and turned to face her.

They didn't need any words. She took pictures and he posed as though their minds were in sync. She knew how to take it the way he wanted to, and he knew how to pose the way she wanted.

That was one of the things that never changed between them since the start of their journey. They were, and always will be in sync.

Many polaroids and pictures later, they both sat on the rocks just taking in the view and atmosphere. Nadine handed James a polaroid of him when the picture showed up and he took it and smiled at it. it was a simple picture, but Nadine loved it because she loved glasses on James. It made him look hotter than he already is in her eyes.

"Ako naman ang magpipicture sa inyo" a new voice called out. It was Caryl, James' trusted RM and she had her phone up.

James stayed where he was, facing the opposite direction of Nadine and half-turned his body. He saw Nadine raise her hand in a pose and he looked at the camera with an almost questioning expression.

A few poses later, Nadine felt an arm around her shoulders and she fell to James' embrace and Caryl's phone let out a loud CLICK! Not moving from her position she held on to James' arm and laughed with James.

Those were the pictures that they would never show in their social media accounts. Those were the pictures that was for their eyes only.

Those were the kind of picture that captured them in their most real and genuine situations.

These were their favourite kind of photo shoots wherein they were the photographer and model. These were their favourite moments because they had each other in their arms.

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