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© Δ ONE Δ ©

(Loveteams) Based on...

Watching them was like looking through the eyes of a three-year old.

Everything was sunshine and rainbows. The crooked smile of a child as wide as the ever clear blue sky...

But it ends after 3 minutes and 5 seconds. The twitterpatted (kilig) feeling gone.

Was it real?

I know they are. But what do I really know?-A person watching them through pixels and electricity. They're as near as an oasis is for a thirsty-crossing delusional hiker.

I know:

Names: CHECK! Fullname? Umm google next time.

Family: Does google images count?

Friends: Co-actors?

(REAL) Relationship: Based off rumors & gossip TV Shows. Oh! And fan-made videos

Okay okay, so I know little but shouldnt the frantic beating of my heart speak tenfolds?

But is it enough? Do I know enough to proclaim it and wont be contradicted?

They may be forced to act like love is the air that surrounds them, only present when amongst each other...and when a camera is involved.

We recognize the works and costs of working under the spotlight, I'm very sure we do, but we prefer not to acknowledge it as though we just went through a hard break-up, or long term problem.

Our smart minds closing its gates to negative thoughts, only remembering their smiles, the moments when they held hands, a hand on the waist, a kiss on the cheek...

We, fans, are stubborn that way.

A fictional loveteam is as real as the book itself.

You can feel it and smell its somewhat addictive scent. Our love for those people are as everlasting as the brown and worn pages of well-loved books, because thats exactly how we feel.

The characters on pages, animations frozen in our screens and the people we hope to meet are well loved by us, the people who make them well known, who loves them blindly and wholly.

That's just how fans are.

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