Destiel son male reader

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A/n: This is something I've always wanted to try, ever since I read my first otp ship fic of this, and my first fanfic ever, let's see if you're picking up what im putting down. It is a Male reader story, a gay one, I put it here because I dont feel like going through summary making when I don't know exactly what I want to do. But I did put a hot wincest bara sfw fanart

"Morning little nephew"

"Aaaaaaahhhh, where the hell youd come from." You blared out. Your uncle had a smirk on his face "Dont answer that"

"it's your last day of high school what ya going to do" your uncle asks.

"Well considering the fact that my reality was shattered for the fact Angel's, werewolves, banshees, and some creepy black existed. On top of that turned out my both my brothers one of them was a long lost one that apparently came from purgatory, were both Nephilim, and I everyone i knew in my family had some supernatural ties and I turned out I was some kind of  God killer" you ranted off. He chuckled, the one in the bedroom with you, obviously knew what you were going to say.

"Oh and the mysterious sexy man of my so called hallucination of my "pent up" sexual frustrations turned out to be the devil be the devil"

"AND?" Lucifer he taunted.

"And my gay uncle" you buried your head in your hands. Uncle Luce was enjoying this way too much.

"Which brings up a good topic" you lifted your head, eyebrow raised.

"How come everyone in our family is freaking gay"

He chuckled and a very familiar smile came fruition.

"Oh no, what'd you do?"

"You still playing hero"

" Its be vigilante and" your eyes widened a bit. Why would he...

"So you are doing the dimension jumping thing"

"It's the psionic art of Transcension, and yes, why do you ask?" You were very suspicious of your uncle right now. Which is never a good thing.

"Well you're always around those abnormally large and I just wondered if were in trouble or maybe being forced to do something like provide sexual fa-"

"OH MY GOD" Luce glared. You covered remembering that that specific was taboo for other than religious beliefs. "Seriously, though. One they're" you looked around, got up, and decided to close the bedroom door. Walking back over to the the bed, you turned the music speaker on loud.

"One; They're heroic characters from japanese rpg and fighting games "

You paused a moment.

"Two " you looked around. Most people would say you were being paranoid. But most people dont have a family like yours.

" They're large because their bara characters....and their a mixture of Angel's and demons" with that you could of sworn you heard some kind weird animalistic growl come from the kitchen. Followed by a loud crash of plates and glass.

"Is Derek or Scott here?" You ask.

"Yes and yes. And no it wasnt them"

You scrunched your face in confusion.

"I'm just going to say it right now, if they're forcing something into you, like supposed meat other than foo-"

"Holy hell, why would my own fiancee   who I proposed myself to..."  "yesterday..."

Luce snickered.

"The hell I'm going to let my son marry a godforsaken piece of shit demon" a man hollered bursting down the door.

"Ah shit, dad"

"I'll kill those bastards before they get the chance to reach for the zipper, CAS"

"Pop" you pleaded as the angel flew in. You jumped a bit. Still getting used to this angel thing. Well this worlds angels do it anyway. And the whole different color themed angel wing set thing threw you off a bunch.

And get yourself started upon realizing that angelcest was a thing. The worse part is there is no counselor in the world that could help with that. Or at least not a human one that wouldnt add more need years on the couch than take them off.

"No one is killing anyone"

"Whew, thanks po-"

"No one is marrying anyone either"

"Ha" dad said pointing his finger at you like a little kid.

"Without them meeting the family" you breathed a sigh of relief.

"ALL the family."  Got a little nervous but calmed down a bit. Stiles, everyone loves your older brother. And jack traverses throughput the grid so.

"Everyone in the family" with that your heart just absolutely sunk to the abyss.

"I am so screwed."

"No you're not, cause were sealing the place off"  Dean said. " Cas prepare the anti demon and angel repelling sigils.

As Cas was about to do just that, he stopped in his tracks when your big mouth opened.

"That ain't gonna work"



"It isnt going to work" you paused a moment. "It isnt going to work because they make Uncle Mike and Raph look like..." you motioned your hand to your trench coat wearing father. "Well, you"
"Explain" dean asked trying to hard the nervousness in your voice.

"Well for one werewolves in their dimension are a bit. Well silver does nothing to them, vampires can walk freely in sunlight and holy water doesnt work in them. Hell, demons and devils wear freaking crosses around their necks. And the only reason they dont show up here is the fact they blow everything up around them just by appearing in the blessed damn atmosphere."

"Oh and they can be here when I'm here. I am apparently "

"Arcus a natural bridge between, Yggdrasil, Hades, Midearth" Lucifer finished.

"Oh my father" at this moment Papa Castiel has shown the most human fear in his life. And it was freaking Dean out. Which was big because he faced everything from killer clowns to   a demon possessed, well, everything.

"This explains a lot, Lucifer" 

"I'll go gather everyone" with a flap of wings he was gone.

He motioned Dean over to the hallway.

"I think the best thing for y/n is he goes with his fiancee"

"What, no. There is no way. Besides hell be safe. You heard him supernatural being are weak around him."

"No they aren't, Dean. He's an amplifier"

"Wait hes a wait now. Wait a minute, is that why"

"Yes, that's why Jack and Stiles always lost control of their powers lately. And why you" Cas nodded. "Aw geez. At least he cant tap into their abilities, right" Cas' silence worried Dean.

"Right, right"


"Aw son uva bitch" Dean ran his hands through his hair.

Well that's a preview of what I've always wanted to do. Yes a Destiel x son male reader fic. A crossover with teen wolf where Stiles is our brother and we get caught up in crazy entering alternative world or supernatural death game with crazy esp shenanigans. Let me know what you think. I might explore the possibility of destiel fanworks in the future this piece was fun to write and I'm too tired to finish but, yeah. Might continue this possibility.  Yeah let me know again hungry and tired sorry the abrupt short and lack of updates. Anxiety and depression sucks

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