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Hello friends :)!
This is not an update !! Obviously !!
buuut i just wanted to say that i listened to trench again (since i haven't done so in awhile, i know, i'm a bad person), and it made me sad because i miss writing stuff and more importantly i miss you guys :((( you're all so sweet and cute and ily

sooo i don't think i'd be able to put out a sequel to this story just yet (maybe one day when i have the time and motivation) but!! if you guys would be up to read maybe like, short stories or mini series', maybe imagines. anything like that, i'd be down to write something. but! it would help A LOT if y'all dropped some ideas!! literally anything works!!! i don't care how silly or overdone or basic you might think your idea is. i wanna hear it. because if it's something you want to see, then i'll do my best to make it happen for ya.

seriously. i love you. even if i don't fuckin know you. i wish i could have a conversation with you all individually because :((( ur my babies and i treasure my babies with every inch of my heart and soul.

anyway. lov u. mwah. stay safe and fuel my imagination pls.

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