Chapter Nine | Nightmares

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Sorry these past few updates haven't been too great but wOW WE MADE IT TO 200 READS I DID NOT EXPECT THIS I know it's a small number, but to me it means the world, so ty to everyone who has stayed with me and this story so far :) ily

oH also-
IM SEEING TØP TOMORROW IM SO EXCITED AAAAJHS,JDJDGJDK I'll tell you all about it in the next chapter






Staring down a dark hall, you felt scared. Though you did not tremble or shake. You began to walk forward, unsure if you would run into a wall at any moment since it looked as if you were trapped in an endless void. The atmosphere was pitch black. It was unsuspecting.

You reached out to your right with one hand, letting the dry wallpaper that met your fingertips guide you through the mysterious place. A bright circle of light shone down at you suddenly, illuminating your presence. It brought you to a stop and it took a few seconds for your eyes to adjust.

You stared up at where the beam of light came from, craning your neck and squinting to stare upon the source. You were unbeknownst of the shadowy figures that crept up from behind. One grabbed you, an arm around your throat while a hand covered your mouth to muffle any screams you dared to let out. Two others held together your arms and legs and you struggled to break free from their tight grasp.

Now matter how much you wriggled and shrieked, you remained trapped. You were defeated, like a rabbit to a dog. Easy prey to be devoured.

You looked past the shadows' shoulders with tear soaken eyes, and standing a few feet away was a tall hooded figure. His face was hidden, but those intimidating eyes of his sent chills down your spine. You couldn't look away, yet the more you stared the more afraid you felt. 

You awoke all of a sudden, out of breath and light headed. Anxiety nipped at your chest and your face ached. You weren't crying, but you swore you could feel the dryness of old tears staining your cheeks. Once you finally settled into reality, you looked around at the sleeping bodies that surrounded you. It was still late into the night, and everyone else was fast asleep.

Everyone except Tyler.

The makeshift bed beside you was empty and the tent entrance was unzipped. You stood up, ignoring the shakiness of your knees, and quietly tip toed out. It was dark outside aside from the full moon that shone overhead and the campfire that brightened up the campsite. When you moved closer to said fire, you noticed Tyler sat alone atop a thick log. Why on Earth is he awake at a time like this? You wondered.

You inched closer and sat next to him. He said nothing, nor did he glance in your direction. It was like he was stuck in his own little world, not even realizing you were seated beside him. His eyes were dull, darker than usual. It reminded you of how Josh's looked when the two of you spoke the day before, but it wasn't the same. Tyler's eyes seemed more... lifeless.

"Bad dream?" He spoke up, yet refused to share any eye contact.

You directed your tired gaze towards the fire. "Er, yeah. Something like that."

"It's weird," He started, "You'd think after leaving a place like DEMA all those bad memories would fade, but they don't. Instead they follow you when you close your eyes and haunt you in your sleep." He studied the flames intently.

"Everyone has nightmares, though. You can't expect them to go away just like that?"

"Everyday is a living nightmare."

You could feel the eyes of the hooded figure burning into your skin, as if you never woke up and the bad dream had never ended. At any time the shadows could lead you through an endless hall once again, and you'd be hunted down.

Tyler picked at his nails. "Some say dreams become reality. That they predict the future, or something along those lines." He pulled at a loose string of skin near the base of his thumb nail. "Have you ever had a dream where you died?"

Oddly enough, you didn't dream most nights. And if you ever did, it was usually something you forgot about as soon as you awoke. However the images of what jolted you awake that night remained in your memory. "No."

"I have." Tyler stopped picking at his nails, and rested his hands in his lap. "I'm just waiting to see if it will come true or not." His voice sounded entirely drained of energy during his last statement. "Considering all the dumb things I get myself into, it's bound to happen."

You placed a hesitant hand on his shoulder as a way to show comfort. "If you hadn't saved my ass a few days ago, you'd probably be sitting all alone out here. That doesn't sound very dumb, if you ask me."

He was looking at you now and you looked right back at him, the faintest smile lifting the corners of your lips. "So for every shitty nightmare you have, the closer you are to a good dream." Damn, that was really cheesy, you thought to yourself. But even if it was cheesy, it seemed to help Tyler just a little. "Speaking of which," you continued, "You should go back to bed. You'll be tired all day if you don't."

"God, you sound like you're my mom or something." Tyler chuckled softly and looked back at the fire as you removed your hand from his shoulder. "You can go if you want. I think I'll stay out here for just a bit longer until my thoughts quiet down."

You nodded your head and stood up, shivering slightly from the cold air as you distanced yourself from the fire. "Goodnight, Tyler." You said to him in a quiet voice and began making your way back to the tent.

"Sweet dreams, Y/N."






I swear more exciting things will happen soon, i'm just having trouble coming up with ideas :<

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