- thirty-eight -

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A year and a half later

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A year and a half later

I let my eyes drift over the horizon, streaks of golden hues illuminating the sky.

A soft, breathy giggle coming from my lap interrupted me as three tiny fingers tried to invade my mouth.

"Taeyang!" I scowled playfully, removing the toddler's chubby hand from my face. "What did I tell you about putting your hand in mommy's mouth?"

He beamed at me with the genuine innocence only children possess, shaking his hands up and down in protest. He started bouncing in my lap, a sign that he wanted me to put him back on the ground.

"Alright, but be careful," I warned with a smile.

Taeyang took a couple of steps towards the playground, his little chubby legs wobbling. I watched him waddle in his adorable overalls and white shirt. Just the next second, he swayed backwards, his gait unsteady, and landed on his bottom.

"It's okay, it's okay!" I hurried to soothe him before he could break down into tears. However, he clapped his hands together and rolled on his stomach before standing up again. "Good boy! When we fall, we stand up again, don't we, Mr. Sweetface?"

Taeyang chuckled adorably and waved his hands up for a pick-up. I bent over and took him in my arms, smooching him on the cheek.

I stared deep into his large hazel eyes, admiring the little mole underneath the right one.

The most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.

"You want to go home, Mr. Sweetface?" I asked, swaying side to side with him on my arms. Without looking around, I turned to place him back in his stroller.

And I saw him.

He was watching us from the other side of the playground, jaw loose and lips slightly parted. I froze. It felt as if we stared at one another for an eternity. His jaw was clenching and releasing, a huge sign that he was beyond nervous. His chest was firmer and it seemed like he was a little bit more built than when I last saw him, or perhaps time made everything seem more beautiful than it was.

But his hair. His hair had gone through a dramatic transformation – instead of the soft caramel hue, now it was jet black. It was slightly longer, cascading over his forehead and glowing under the last sunrays of the day. Somehow the color made him look even more manly, accentuating his chiseled jaw and full lips.

My heart nearly stopped. I clutched Taeyang closer to my chest in an instinctive gesture. His little head swung in the direction where my confused and horrified eyes were directed at.

Taehyung was the first one to come to his senses. He strolled down, coming around the playground, headed towards us. I stood there, rooted to the spot and completely unable to breathe or move. My head swam in my unanswered questions – why was he here? How did he find us? What should I say to him?

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