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WARNING: mature content (and a long-ass chapter)


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Taehyung's POV

I stared at the door sightlessly long after Y/N had left.

Taking a part of my heart with her as she did so.

The silence that remained after she fled was excruciating. I was unable to move, my mind bombarded with thoughts. All of this was affecting her in such an awful way that my heart sank. Seconds before she left she looked so weak and fragile.

It was hard letting her go on her own but I knew... if I wanted her to trust me again I needed to take a step back now.

Standing in the empty coffee shop with two of my least favorite people in the world, none of us peeped a word. Jimin stormed off shortly after Y/N, his strides full of anger and exasperation. He threw one last glare at Tiffany before stepping out, and didn't even glance at me.

"Tae," I heard Tiffany's wobbly voice come from somewhere behind me. I felt her footsteps approach me before she placed a gooey hand over my shoulder and I shuddered away immediately.

"Why are you doing this?" I whipped around, glaring. "You and I both know this child isn't mine." It was as clear as day. The chances of me being the father were close to zero. Why was she playing these mind games?

"Taehyung, I'm gonna raise this child with or without you," she declared, her palm caressing her small baby bump. "No matter if you want to acknowledge it as yours or not."

This was outrageous. How dare she act so innocent and angelic? Being a mother is something holy and she was using the miracle of life as a way to gain leverage on both me and Jimin.

"You are so messed up," I gritted. "You've gone completely mental."

"Am I?" she gave an incredulous look. "Do you hate me, Tae?"

This woman was getting on my nerves. I cursed myself internally for even standing there and having this useless conversation with her. I should be running after Y/N, the only person in my life that matters now.

"Tell me how you hate me baby," Tiffany muttered. "Lie to me. Bet you're trying to replace me with her."

My blood started to boil with unadulterated rage. Her hand darted to hold mine but I yanked it off briskly.

"No matter how hard you try you cannot erase me and this child will forever remain as the fruit of our love," she went on spitting jibberish.

My mother told me to never hit a woman but goddammit this one is making it so hard not to.

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