- thirty-one -

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At first I thought my eyes may have deceived me

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At first I thought my eyes may have deceived me. Perhaps Tiffany had just gained weight. In that particular area. It wasn't impossible, was it?

I held my breath as my mind struggled to come to terms with the idea but when she stood right in front of me, there was no place for denial anymore.

Tiffany was very much pregnant.

"Hey there! Long time to see!" she greeted, throwing her arms around me and giving me a benevolent hug as if we were a couple of best friends casually meeting each other for the first time in years.

"Hey... Fany," I uttered stiffly, my mind in a transitory state of paralysis.

"Well come on now, what are we standing here for? Let's go in!" she ushered with a cheerful voice, grabbing me by the hand and practically shoving me into the coffee shop.

Almost robotically, I shuffled to the first table I laid my eyes on, glancing over to Tiffany who was following me with the largest grin plastered over her face. It looked so unnatural.

I didn't mean to stare, but my gaze kept drifting towards her tummy. Either this was a baby bump or I was an ice cream truck.

Moreover, the tight dress she had decided on wearing was doing a good enough job at enhancing it, as if she had chosen to accentuate on it on purpose.

"Oof, finally," she groaned, plopping her body on the chair and letting out a long sigh. "My legs have been killing me all day."

I couldn't help but merely gape at her. She was acting as if nothing had happened, smiling and looking at me fondly.

Meanwhile, I was drowning in a pool of my own confused thoughts. Should I say something? Should I address the elephant in the room? Or to be more exact, the baby in the womb?

"So, what are we having?" Tiffany asked casually, skimming through the menu as the waiter approached us. "Choose whatever you want, it's my treat!"

Once the waiter had taken our order and had scurried away, I decided it was better to just address the issue. Tiffany was the one that had brought me here, begged me to meet her. All of this secrecy was draining me out, maybe being blunt was the best option, at least it would relieve my stress.

"So, um, Tiffany," I cleared my throat, gesturing towards her and glancing down at her tummy.

"I know, I know," she nodded, cutting me off. "I should have warned you about it. You're probably shocked," she chuckled.

"Mmmhm," I hummed, gulping loudly. Fuck, why was this so difficult? An awkward pause followed, filling the air around us with silence as Tiffany continued to stare at me, the smile never leaving her face. It was starting to creep me out. "Do you know who's-"

"The father?" she interrupted me again, obviously not very keen on letting me finish my sentences today. "Sadly, I can't say with certainty."

My eyes flew so wide I feared they'd jump out of their sockets. I could think of at least two men who could be the father of Tiffany's child, and I was currently living with one of them.

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