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"So do it."

The words that changed the game forever.

With the newfound confidence surging through my veins, I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned down, smashing my lips against his in a heated frenzy. My mind was telling not to chance anything, but my heart was telling me to risk it all. A guttural moan was released from both of us as I pressed myself deeper against him, eager to feel and taste more of him.

Holy shit.

This man knew how to kiss.

Everything was going straight to hell and it was confirmed when he wrapped his arms around my waist, prompting me to sit on his lap as his tongue devoured my mouth. I couldn't keep up; I thought I did because I was the one normally leading the kiss, but he was consuming me entirely, making me drown in his very essence. He was swallowing all of my moans and my cries, rubbing his thick hands all over my body. I shivered at the heat of his touch, the way his nails scraped against my naked skin when he ran them across my back.

All of everyone I had been with, they had never made me feel so good.

So god damn good.

"Maddox," I whispered breathlessly as he hoisted me up, turning around so that he could place me gently on the bed. There was some unease in those gold eyes of his, but it gradually went away as his eyes darkened, focusing on the bite of my lip as I panted. "I'll take care of you," His voice was low and husky, dripping like melted caramel as he loomed over me, shedding his shirt with one nail. My skin was prickling with excitement as he parted my legs with a swift motion, settling himself in between. The ceiling was dark above him, lit up with red candles as he smirked.

"Just the way you want me to, Mr. Morelli," He had no idea what that dark tone was doing to me. Everything felt amplified and I was treading on a cloud as he leaned down to take my lips as his, his tongue teasing mine as he pressed himself against my throbbing erection, grinding himself slowly as if he was just giving me a little taste of what was to come.

I was panting, body whispering for more as his hands came to stroke everything, committing it to perfection in his memory. The warm heat from his body cascaded around us in the air, coating us with a familiar hold. His hand reached up and entangled itself in my hair, yanking it to the side as his lips descended from mine, leaving burning prints along as he trailed down the side of my neck. His teeth scraped at the sensitive skin, enticing a whimper from me as I bucked him, needing the release more than ever. All Maddox did was chuckle darkly as he continued to kiss down my body, leaving painful reminders behind.

His free hand was stroking the arm of tattoos as I shivered under him, craving for more. I didn't know what I wanted, but I wanted him to satisfy this burning within my core. The touch of his lips as they trailed down my chest left behind a trail of fire, moans after moans leaving my lips as he reached lower and lower, tugging on the ends of my sweatpants. "I'll make you beg for my touch," Maddox winked as his voice darkened and darkened, sounding erotically demonic. "You'd like that, wouldn't you, Troy?" His hot breath fanned over my navel, prompting me to buck up in surprise.

Holy shit.

I gulped as his nails scraped against my hip in his quest of shimmying my pants down my legs. This was really happening, this was really happening right now. My heart was thumping to the beat of some nonexistent song and I just could not control the heavy breathing that was leaving my mouth right now.  I felt a finger press down on my hip indent and I nearly shot off of the bed, his hard stare keeping me rooted to the bed. This was too much, entirely too much and I could not deal with this. This was so much more intense, and all he did was touch my body.

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