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"I didn't think even demons could get sick."

I rubbed away the sweat that permeated the demon lord's forehead as he laid in bed, the covers tucked in under his chin. He tried to chuckle, but it came out as a garbled cough. "Sorry for getting you sick," I pouted, pushing his black hair back so that I could look into his eyes as I sat next to him. 

"No," He croaked out, his skin hot to the touch. Wow, demons really weren't immune to that kind of thing. "Don't feel bad," Maddox wheezed as his eyes turned orange, looking at me as his lips contorted into a droopy grin. God, he looked so stupid but I found it so endearing. Looking at him made me have severe heart palpitations and I didn't know why. 

"This wouldn't have happened if I didn't make you come into the rain with me..." I trailed off, gripping his hand under the cover. I had found out that he was sick when Availa came to me and told me that Maddox needed me in his wing. Needless to say, I found a puking demon who was shivering yet running hot with a fever. It was a gruesome sight, but I found that I stayed nonetheless. 

"I wouldn't have gone," Maddox wheezed, his deep voice taking on an unusually deep tone as he panted. "If I really didn't want to," That was true. He was so much stronger than me. He wouldn't have let himself get dragged by a mere human who he could flick against the wall in an instant. "...if you say so," I continued to wipe my cold hand on his forehead, listening to him sigh as the puppy laid next to him, curled up by his side. 

No one had any idea what time it was, but I was going to stay here as long as he needed me. I just felt compelled to make sure that this big, bad wolf of Hell was going to live it through this ailment of his. 

"You look so cute with your little hat on," I teased, watching him try to glare at me for playing with his little nightcap hat on. I was going to stay right by his side, no matter what, because he deserved that much from me. It was oddly disturbing that I was sitting here like this, so calm and so in tune with the peace that he was giving me.

"Can I get some Hot Cheetos?" He sounded so much like a little kid, it was unreal. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, knowing that his guilty pleasure snack would only make him feel even worse since it was spicy.

"No." He pouted and I chuckled, watching him reach a hand out to me, wiggling the digits around. "Hold my hand," He whispered and I slowly took his hand into mine, watching tan and slightly tan fingers bind themselves together, my heat warming him. I wanted to clutch my heart because the injury in my chest was acting up again. Was it really okay for my heart to be beating so fast like this? I felt nervous and sweaty, which was abnormal considering that I was Troy Morelli.

I didn't get nervous.

"I can feel myself getting better," Maddox coughed out and I rolled my eyes. "Stop sleeptalking," I muttered, not admitting that his words made this injury worse. My chest felt tight and every time I looked at him, my stomach churned but it wasn't that type of feeling where you ate something and you wanted to throw up. It was that type of feeling where you felt satisfied and you felt anxious because you were hopelessly waiting for something to happen. 

There was a knock on the door and it ascended forward, exposing the figure of an unusually calm right-hand woman. "Hello, Nya," I said carefully, not wanting her to go ham on my ass because quite frankly, I was having a good time. She most likely came to check on her lord, maybe even tell me to get the hell out because I wasn't needed. Either way, it was up to Maddox because he was very adamant that I stayed.

"Troy," Nya walked up to me, a full frown on concern morphing her face for once, which took me back because she was actually talking to me without annoyance and anger in her voice. "Yes?" I replied a bit warily, unsure if she was going to cuss me out or something along those lines. I was just waiting for it. "Please take care of him." 

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