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"The fuck you doing here?"

I stood in the den of my shared home, wondering what Natanya wanted to talk to me for. I mean, I was in no way, shape or form, telling her to leave, but it was just baffling to see her in my house. Especially since she never asked me where I lived or if we could hang out. It made me question how she even found out where I lived. It wasn't like it was common knowledge.

"Hey, Troy," She waved at me and I grinned, watching her take off her beanie, taking a seat on the couch. I took a seat next to her. "I mean, not like I'm upset or anything because hell yeah, I fuck with this," She giggled, pushing a piece of her hair behind her head. "But why is Natanya Kane in my house on a Saturday?" I raised a brow, leaning on my arm and she turned to look at me. "Well, you're the only one that doesn't seem to run away from me," She chuckled but I could hear the self-deprecation in her voice.

Here in No Man's Land, everyone around you, every person that you saw, those were the only people you could talk to. Those were the only people you could have contact with. Even if they didn't know or didn't care, these people were your friends. 

"When I see beauty likes yours, I can't help but be drawn to you." I smirked, watching her blush. I couldn't come on too strong because it just wasn't in my nature. They had to want this, they had to give me their consent and once they did, then I went wild. "That's sweet," She whispered, leaning back and I could sense that something was wrong. "What's wrong?" I asked, genuinely curious about what was plaguing her mind. Natanya sighed before looking at me, a grimace on her lovely face. "I'm just lonely," She whispered and I reached over to wipe a tear that had left her eye on its own.

"No need to cry, beautiful," I grinned, sensing her pain. She stared at me with wide eyes before smiling softly. "Why are you lonely?" I pondered. "I see that everyone has someone to live with because of the law, but I live by myself," She confessed and I narrowed my eyes, asking myself what sort of authority she had to be able to have such privileges like that. "Adding onto that, everyone seems to be afraid of me because of my father," She rolled her eyes in mere annoyance. "It makes me want to break every single law just so that I can prove myself to these people, to him. I just want to have friends but people heard of the things that he did to some of the people who used to live here and now," She shrugged. "No one will talk to me!" She pouted and I sighed, knowing that it must be hard.

"I hate that he does this to me because it makes it harder for me to live my life when everything that I do is a direct representation of him," She snarled, pushing her hair back over her shoulder and I watched her, feeling utterly attracted to her despite the situation. "Who's your father?" I puzzled, wanting to know why everyone knew of him but me. "Everyone says that he's scary because they never met him. They all say that no one wants to meet him, but I think that's bullshit cause they're pussies." I folded my arms and Natanya smirked as if I had just uttered words of taboo.

"Oh, you never heard of him?" She furrowed her brow and I shook my head. "Nah. You know the only damn thing I hear around here is talk of the demon lord," She stared at me for a bit, mirth in her eyes as if she was living through a secret in her mind. "Well, let me whisper his name into your ear. He hates to have his name heard out loud. He has like ten different aliases," She said and I frowned in confusion, wondering what type of person he was. What person hated his name? He wasn't that damn important but for the sake of her, I obliged, leaning over as her succulent lips perched themselves outside my earlobe, whispering softly.

"Maddox Kane."

I snorted, shaking my head. "What a basic ass name," I rolled my eyes, pulling away from her as she let out a giggle. "Don't let him hear you say that. He'll kill you," I laughed despite feeling a bit of unease at the certainty in her tone. If it was meant as a joke, it didn't sound like one and it definitely didn't feel like one. "Why are there rumors about him?" I questioned because as far as I know, this dude was just like the rest of us. Natanya pursed her lips together as if she was pondering on what to tell me. "He's pretty scary when he wants to be. Unlike us, he can decide who he wants to kill, how and when. He's not at all an understanding man. He's so confusing and he makes me so fucking upset," For a second there, I thought her eyes went from blue to yellow. I must be tripping this morning.

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