Chapter 12

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Darry fiddled with his tool-belt for the fourth time in what had seemed like an hour. It was really more like five minutes.

They were having some meeting about new policies, a stricter boss, and some other bullshit Darry couldn't care less about. Darry had one thought on his mind: Ponyboy.

He sighed gently, rubbing his hand down his face, feeling the five o'clock shadow he had yet to shave, another reminder of just how messy his life was.

Darry had one priority. Family. His brothers, his friends. That's all that mattered to him. Keeping them safe. Providing for them. Ensuring their future. He wished he could just..push all the other stupid shit away. He just wanted Ponyboy safe, happy. Back to his old self again. His clueless, airy, stupid smart, smart-mouthed, little brother back. He wanted the innocent boy back who loved sunsets and movies, the one who was sharp as a tack, having witty replies for all of Two-Bit's stupid remarks and Steve's negative comments.

Darry swallowed harshly to force the sudden emotion back down, being startled out of his thoughts from a yell.

"Curtis! Come here. Now."

Darry looked up, only to see his boss with a sour face, internally cursing his luck. He set his shoulders back and followed his boss, Mr. Jerner, to his office. Darry closed his eyes tightly as he sat in front of his desk. He couldn't afford to lose his job now. Not with Pony acting the way he is. At this point, he might need treatment, therapy, and lord knows it'll be expensive.

Mr. Jerner's face softened as he watched Darry's expression. "Darrel, I know times have been tough for you recently...and I know I've been hard on you to stay focused with work. I must say I was quite impressed with how you managed to work so hard, despite the circumstances that have been forced upon you."

Darry looked up, confusion clear on his face from the unexpected praise. "Oh...Thank you, sir."

Jerner nodded, giving him a warm smile. "Which is why I'm happy to tell you that I've decided to give you a raise. And a few days off. Forced vacation time, I guess you could say. And you'll be paid for your time off."

Darr stared at him, speechless. "Uh...thank you, sir. Really. Thank you."

Jerner gave him a friendly smile, looking genuinely happy that he could help. "You're welcome, son. Now head on home. I'll see you back here next week."

Darry nodded quickly, sitting up and shaking his hand before gathering his things and heading to his truck, tossing his tool-belt in the back as he hopped in. He couldn't believe it. For once, things were going right. He could go home, see Ponyboy. Check on him. Hell, maybe they could even go see a movie together.


Ponyboy woke to the sound of Darry's truck pulling into the driveway. Lord, was Darry gonna be mad at him. Not only did he forget to call Johnny, he forgot to eat too. He must've been asleep a lot longer than he thought he was.

He glanced at the clock, but it was only 12:48pm. Darry shouldn't have been home for another five hours, at least. He sat up quickly, his head pounding.

Shit. I probably got Darry fired. He thought instantly. He glanced at the door, biting his lip nervously as he watched Darry walk in with a...big smile on his face? What?

Darry smiled at him, seeing him awake before frowning slightly at the untouched breakfast plate on the coffee table and the lack of Ponyboy's 'babysitter'. "Pony..." Darry started softly, a sigh escaping his lips as he sat next to Pony.

Pony flinched slightly, starting to explain. "I'm sorry, Dar. I just laid down and got so sleepy...I dozed off right after you left. I promise, I didn't mean too..." He stopped talking, making a slightly sour face at the true, but somewhat weak explanation.

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