Chapter 4

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Ponyboy was running. He was gasping and panting and running as fast as his legs would take him. His auburn hair was flying behind him as he ran, but there was no where to go.

He was trapped.

What was he running from? He has no idea. Sometime big, and shadowy and black and terrifying. Ponyboy backed into a wall and could only watch in horror as the thing just got closer and closer to him.

The thing stopped right in front of him and Ponyboy froze in fear. He couldn't do anything. Couldn't move, couldn't scream, couldn't breathe. The thing opened it's mouth and a horrible stench left as the creature leaned forward, and clawed its hands down Ponyboy's chest as it screeched.

Ponyboy opened his mouth and screamed.


Someone was screaming. That's all he knew.

"Ponyboy! For God's sake wake up!"

"Glory Dar, he's not waking up! What do we do?"

"What the hell is going on?! What the fucks wrong with him?"

That's when Pony's eyes opened and he realized, 'Oh. I'm the one who's screaming.' He clapped a hand over his mouth and sat up quickly.

"Jesus!" Soda exclaimed before quickly moving, so he wouldn't be hit as Ponyboy shot up quickly.

Ponyboy took a quick second to observe his surroundings. Everyone was in his room. Everyone. Ponyboy's eyes took in a terrified Soda, a concerned Darry and Johnny and a wincing Two-Bit, Steve and Dally

Ponyboy quickly took his hand off his mouth. "Sorry." He murmured, barely above a whisper. Darry gave a look to the rest of the gang and they quickly filed out, leaving just Ponyboy and his two brothers.

Soda sat down next to Ponyboy and put his arm around him, quickly taking in the fact that Ponyboy was trembling. "Glory, kiddo. You okay?" Darry sat down on the other side of Ponyboy. "Do you remember?"

Ponyboy did. He shook his head no. Darry sighed. "Come on, kiddo. You've got to remember something." Ponyboy shook his head again.

How was he supposed to explain this whole thing?

"Oh yeah, Dar. So what happened is I was getting chased by this black thing and it killed me, you see the thing is though is that I've been in contact with Fate and she said that this sorta thing could happen. OH yeah also for the time being I can't die. Cool, huh?"

Like that would go over well.

Ponyboy just shook his head as Soda shot Darry a warning glance. "Don't worry about it, kiddo." Soda murmured softly, kissing the top of Pony's head.

Darry watched feeling a pang of jealousy. He always felt like Ponyboy had loved Soda more than him. Ponyboy was still shaking slightly as he felt the familiar light headedness of Fate trying to contact him and felt his body flush with panic. Before he could provide an excuse to get them to leave, he blacked out.


Ponyboy glared at Fate angrily. "Okay, you can't keep doing this! You're freaking out my brother's and I can't come up with any excuses before passing out!"

Fate held up a manicured hand. "We'll figure that out later. For now, you must know. That was a warning. Whatever is coming, it's coming soon."

Ponyboy blanched. "What about my brothers? And my friends? Will they be okay?" He asked worriedly.

Fate nodded. "They are under my protection as well, but I can only go so far. For now, they're okay and I will protect them, but the closer this thing gets, the weaker I get."

Ponyboy wrapped his arms around him. "If that happens, weave off of me. Either take my energy or whatever or take away my protection. They get hurt, I stop helping you."

Fate didn't look surprised. She expected this. "Of course." She nodded. "I needed to provide you with a warning. When I need you, I'll provide a warning. A cold rush of air or such. Until next time, Ponyboy. You're brothers are worried." She leaned forward and kissed his forehead, and he closed his eyes.


When he awoke, he was met with the scared faces of his brothers. "Sorry.' Ponyboy mumbled again. "I guess I'm more tired then I realized." Darry and Soda shared worried glances. Ponyboy shrugged off his shoulder. "I'm going back to bed." He said softly.

The next morning, Ponyboy realized something he had to do. He spoke up at breakfast, making sure it was just his two brothers there. "Hey, I was thinking...maybe I should move back into my old room..."

Darry and Soda looked from Ponyboy to each other in shock. "Um, Pone," Soda started, trying to to feel hurt. "After last night, I don't think it's such a good idea."

Ponyboy shrugged."I do." He said simply. "I'll move back in when I get home." Ponyboy quickly got up and grabbed his bag, leaving quickly for school and beginning the walk.

Ponyboy sighed. He needed a cigarette.

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