Chapter 6

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Darry stared in horror at the sight in front of him.

His baby brother, was just crushed by a ceiling beam.

'There's no way he could've survived that. There's absolutely no way.'

'Stop it.' Darry scolded himself. 'Don't think like that. He's fine, he'll be fine'

Soda was the one who moved first, dragging Darry from his thoughts.

"Ponyboy! Ponyboy can you hear me? Help me get him out of there!" Soda was on the verge of tears. Darry rushed forward and began trying to lift the debris, that was closing in on his brother.

Soon enough, everyone was helping. Darry will never forget the horror that was placed on their faces. 'God, please. Not him. Not my baby brother. Please. I swear, I'll change how I was to him. Just please, don't let him die. Let him be okay.'

Then they all proceeded to lift the beam, allowing a visual of Ponyboy.



Pony turned and looked at Fate. "That was it, wasn't it?" He asked softly.

Fate nodded. "I'm sorry. I know this is complicated. Especially with your brothers and everything." Fate let out a bitter laugh. "I don't even know what I'm doing anymore, Ponyboy."

Ponyboy looked at her. Actually looked at her.

Her beautiful face seemed paler. She had bags under her eyes and looked like a sick, depressed human.

Fate snorted. "Yeah thanks for that Ponyboy."

He forgot she could hear him.

"It's true!" He said. "Aren't you supposed to be like an immortal god or something?"

Fate shook her head. "We'll speak of that later. I didn't bring you here this time, this is just you in your unconscious state. Your brothers are pulling you out as we speak. We speak tonight, while you sleep to avoid suspicion. Goodbye."

Ponyboy groaned as he began to regain consciousness.


Ponyboy gasped and began coughing up sawdust and well, more dust.

Darry gaped and reached out, holding his brother in a tight hug. "Oh God, kiddo-Pony-are you okay?" He managed to stutter out in relief and concern.

Ponyboy nodded and leaned his head on Darry's stomach. "Hurts...stomach..." was all he was able to say.

The principal of the school, along with multiple other teachers and students ran to see the commotion.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Cried Soda. "Someone call 911!" The principal's secretary ran back into the office while Soda lunged at the principal, Steve attempting to hold him back. "Why the fuck do you have fucking ceiling beams falling from the fucking ceiling?!" The principal flinched noticeably before trying to stammer out a reply.

Steve began whispering to Soda, eventually getting him to calm down and sit next to his brothers.


Ponyboy was out of it, thrashing his head back and forth and groaning in pain. Blood was dripping from his head and staining his shirt. That's when Darry noticed the much bigger puddle of blood, dripping onto his lap. Darry was holding him tight, but quickly released him, pulling him gently on the floor-making sure he was extra careful because he had a tendency to be too rough with his siblings.

He raised Ponyboy's shirt only to gag in the process.

Some type of metal had penetrated Ponyboy's skin and now he had a small metal stick, embedded in stomach, causing him to bleed all over Darry.

Soda let out an angry sob as the siren's began to near the school


Paramedics rushed in and raised Ponyboy into a stretcher, rolling him to the ambulance.

The paramedic looked at Darry. "We can only fit one in the ambulance."

Dally placed a hand on Darry's shoulder. "Go. We'll make sure Soda get's to the hospital okay."

Darry nodded and thanked him before jumping into the ambulance and taking Ponyboy's hand holding all the way until they reached the hospital.

'Please, please let him be okay.'


The gang quickly located Darry in the waiting room, most out of breath and concerned. "Any news? Is he gonna be okay?" Soda asked him

Darry shook his head. "I don't know, Soda. I really don't." The gang chose to ignore his cracking voice at the end.

They each took a seat next to Darry. Darry wrapped an arm around Soda and Steve sat next to him, placing a hand on Soda's shoulder. Two-Bit had his head in his hands and Dally and Johnny were smoking.

"Family of Ponyboy Curtis?"

The gang all shot up and made their way to the doctor.

The doctor was a medium height, with bright brown hair tied back into a sloppy bun and a pair of thick black glasses on her face, along with brown freckles splattered all over her nose. Her green eyes showed no judgement and she smiled warmly at the gang making them instantly fell a little better.

"I'm Doctor Pure, ironic I know. Anyways, I have news about Ponyboy. He's pretty banged up.. He's in surgery right now, getting the metal removed and his wound stitched. Along with that he has two broken ribs and three cracked ones. He had a mild concussion and along with that some internal bleeding."

Soda deflated with every word she said and Darry spoke up. "When can we see him?'

Pure smiled. "He'll be out of surgery soon. I'll come and get you as soon as he's out. Despite all he went through, we have high hopes he'll make it out just fine."

Pure quickly looked around her to see if any other doctors were listening to her. "And normally it's two at a time visiting rules, but i'll make an exception."

True to her word, an hour later she brought them all back to Pony's room and let them in.

Ponyboy was as white as his sheets and asleep, but he was alive and that's all that mattered to Darry and Soda.

They took seats around the room while Pure placed her hands into her white coat's pockets. "I'll take my leave." she said softly before exiting the room. Soda sighed in relief, thanking God that Pony had a decent doctor.

Then they all sat in silence, waiting for their youngest member to wake up.

Always Wanted A Second Chanceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें