Chapter 10

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Ponyboy looked at his hands in horror. He looked at the ring. He shuddered in disgust.

He had almost just beat a man to death.

'I need to go home. I need my brothers. But oh man, what are they gonna think of me? What is happening to me? Should I even go home to them? They don't need this, they're already worried enough as it is.'

Ponyboy began pacing around the lot and started biting one of his fingernails. He grimaced as he tasted the copper blood and realized there was a possibility that the blood he just tasted wasn't his.

He gagged.

He needed to go home.


The house was silent when Ponyboy reached the door. God he needed a cigarette.

'Maybe, I'm home alone, and I can just sneak through into the bathroom.' Ponyboy thought hopefully.

That hope was shattered as he heard his brother let out a loud gasp from behind him. "Ponyboy?" Soda whispered quietly.

Ponyboy took a deep breath and turned around, realizing that the whole gang was there. 'Great.' Ponyboy winced. "Hi, Sodapop." He said softly. He then realized how hard he was trying not to cry.

The air seemed to be sucked out of the room as every gang member took in Ponyboy's appearance. Darry shot out of his seat "Ponyboy! Who did this to you? Are you okay?"

Darry quickly crossed the room and placed his hands on Ponyboy's shoulders, leading him across the room and onto the couch.

Ponyboy sucked in a breath. "I'm fine, Darry."

Darry's eyes narrowed and seemed to lock onto Ponyboy's in anger. "Like hell you are! Look at all this blood!" He yelled, swallowing harshly at the gruesome sight.

Ponyboy looked away from Darry. "It's not mine." He whispered softly, only loud enough for Darry to hear.

Darry's face went pale as Soda knelt down next to Ponyboy. "What?"

Ponyboy looked at Soda. "The blood isn't mine." He said finally as he felt tears begin to build behind his eyes.

Ponyboy looked at Johnny. "I found the guy. The guy who jumped you and I saw his ring and I just snapped." Ponyboy said taking Bob"s ring off and flashing it for all to see. "I just kept, hitting him and hitting him and-and I think I almost killed him." Ponyboy finished before breaking off into sobbing. Ponyboy put his head into his lap and clamped his arms over his head. "I don't know what's wrong with me, I'm sick, I'm sick." Ponyboy sobbed.

The rest of the gang was speechless.

Johnny watched his best friend in shock and felt his stomach twist in horror. What made Ponyboy like-like this? Dally wrapped an arm around Johnny and pulled him closer, while also leaning up to look more closely at Ponyboy.

For the first time Dallas Winston was speechless.

Two-bit's hands rubbed his eyes in disbelief. What the hell was happening to the kid?

Steve watched Soda warily. Then he glanced at Ponyboy. He'd never admit it out loud but, he was getting extremely worried.

Soda covered his mouth with his hands as tears slid down his face silently.

Darry felt his heart break. He had no idea what was going on and he had no idea how to fix it. Darry's body felt numb and he swallowed the lump in his throat as he took in Ponyboy's appearance.

Ponyboy was splattered in all over him and Darry felt slightly sick at the relief he felt of it not being Ponyboy's blood.

Darry sat down next to Ponyboy and tried to place his arm on Ponyboy's back, but Pony twisted out of his reach and curled into a ball and just sobbed more.

Finally, Darry picked Ponyboy up, despite Ponyboy's protest and brought him into the bathroom, placing him on the counter for privacy and for the first aid kit. Sodapop followed.

Darry brushed the tears from Ponyboy's face and hugged him tightly. Ponyboy clung to him tightly. "I'm so sorry, Darry. I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me, please don't. I'm sorry I just cause y-you trouble. I'm sorry for being a horrible brother."

Darry pulled away in shock and cupped Ponyboy's face so he'd have to look at him. "You are not a horrible brother and you never cause me trouble. Don't you ever say that again.I love you, Ponyboy. I love you and Sodapop so goddamn much, and there is nothing you could ever do to change that."

Ponyboy just began to cry harder as reached out for Sodapop. Sodapop rushed into both of their embraces and hugged tightly.

The three of them, just held each other, hoping, they could help their slightly broken brother.


The gang watched in despair as Darry carried Ponyboy away, Sodapop following.

Two-Bit took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Jesus motherfucking Christ."

Steve nodded in agreement, running a hand down his face.

Johnny clung tightly to Dally, not knowing what to say, and trying not to cry himself.

Dally held Johnny like his life depended on it.

No one knew what to say. This wasn't their head in the clouds, sunset watching, book loving nerd. This wasn't their reckless, clueless, idiot, who never really knows how much potential he has.

The house was silent until Johnny said, "We should go. They probably want their privacy." He then quickly stood and fled from the house, so he wouldn't cry in front of Dally, and the gang.

"Johnny!' Dallas called after him. He waved to the others and ran after Johnny.

Steve glanced at Two-Bit. "Can I spend the night at your house?" Two-Bit nodded. "Yeah. Let's go."

They left silently with heavy hearts and a shit ton of worry.


Johnny sprinted through the rain, heading straight towards the lot with tears falling down his face.

Dally was hot on his heels. He pumped his arms faster, tackling Johnny to the ground harshly. "What the hell are you running for?" Dally yelled, before getting a good look at Johnny and realizing he was crying.

Johnny sat up and wiped his angrily. "What'd you do that for?" He yelled right back referring to the tackle. "I mean, Jesus, Dal what's the big idea?! Can't you just leave me the hell alone-"

Dally just grabbed Johnny and pulled him into a tight hug.

Johnny began swearing and beating against Dally's chest before giving up and clutching to Dally's jacket. "I'm scared, Dally." He finally managed to say. Dally nodded and hugged Johnny tighter.

"I know. I am too."


Steve and Two-Bit sat in his living room in silence. Both clutched beer bottles in their hands, with other empty bottles surrounding them.

The kid in their gang was broken, and they didn't know how to help.

And goddamn did that hurt.


Fate sat on the pure white couch and clutched her pillow in anger. Ponyboy did not deserve this. Not at all.

She was going to figure out a way for them to stop this.

Once and for all.

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