Chapter 5

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Ponyboy walked through the halls of his school, annoyed. It was already third period and he couldn't take his mind off of what happened this morning. He had asked to go to the bathroom half an hour ago and had no plans on going back to class anytime soon.

He stuck his hands in his pockets and strolled around a corner, lost in thought.

'Okay Pone. You're gonna have to figure someway to not turn this into a shitstorm. What are you gonna tell your brothers?'

Ponyboy sighed. He had absolutely no idea.

"Hey." He heard a voice next to him. Ponyboy jumped and placed a hand to his heart.

"Jesus! Two-bit! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Two-bit however, seemed a little frustrated with that.

"I almost gave you a heart attack?! Glory, kid what the hell has been going on with you lately? You've been dropping left and right, screaming and scaring the hell out of me and your brothers!"

Ponyboy winced. "I-I know." He said softly. "And I don't really know how to explain, but I'm okay." Pony stopped and looked at him. "And when I figure out how to explain it, you'll be the first person I come too."

The red-haired greaser looked conflicted and Ponyboy had to take a quick second to think. Think about what this was doing to the gang. All of them were acting so weird lately, and it was because of this. Pony never realized how much he was worrying everyone not just his brothers.

Ponyboy put a hand on Two-Bit's shoulder. "Just trust me. Please."

Two-Bit nodded. "Okay, Pone. But it can only go so far. You gotta start watching yourself. Promise me. Ponyboy nodded. "Okay. I promise."

Two-bit clapped Ponyboy on the shoulder and went on his way. Ponyboy sighed and shook his head. 'God what have I gotten myself into.'

Ponyboy felt a faint weakness and sighed as the floor collided with him.


Fate was pacing. "I'm sorry, I know, but I've made a mistake."

Ponyboy felt an uneasy feeling in his stomach.

Fate rubbed a hand over her face. "When I saved Dallas and Johnny, it tore something in the world. The thing that's coming, it's not necessarily evil, it's just trying to restore the order."

Ponyboy shivered. "So what are you saying, that even though you saved them, this-this thing is going to kill them?"

Fate stopped. "Maybe. I don't know, Ponyboy." She sighed before freezing. "You have to go. Steve and Two-Bit are aware of your unconsciousness."

She leaned forward and kissed his forehead before he could protest.


Ponyboy awakened to two greasers staring down at him.

"Damnnit, kiddo. I leave you alone for five minutes and look what happens."

Ponyboy winced slightly before sitting up and swinging his legs over the side of the bed. Two-bit leaned forward in protest. "Kid, Pone, don't move." Ponyboy held up a hand. "Two-bit, I'm fine."

Steve snarled. "Jesus Christ, kid no you're not! You're not okay! Clearly, you keep passing out left and right, scaring the shit out of Soda! What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

Two-bit glared at Steve. "You're brothers are coming to pick you up. Dally and Johnny are meeting us at the entrance."

Ponyboy balanced. 'Dally and Johnny. Something's coming to kill them,' Ponyboy stood as Two-bit reached for his bag and they all walked to the entrance. Dally and Johnny nodded as they stepped in line to walk with them. Johnny stood next to Pony. "You okay, Pone?" He asked softly.

Ponyboy nodded as a cold whoosh of air flew fast him.

Pony froze.

"A warning. A cold rush of air, or something."

Ponyboy quickly surveyed his surroundings, and he saw it.

A ceiling beam above, about to fall, and crush Dally.

The school doors opened. "Okay, kiddo let's go home." He heard Darry sigh.

The beam tilted and Pony rushed forward, pushing Dally out of the way.


Ponyboy's eyes closed, as he felt a bone-crushing weight hit him, and a sharp wave of white pain, along with the horrified gasps and yells of his friends.

Then it all went black.

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