Chapter 8

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Ponyboy watched in horror as the doctors and surgeons began to remove the metal in his stomach and tend to his wounds.

"You know," Fate told him for the fifth time, "If looking at that makes you sick, then look away."

Pony winced again as the surgeon began stitching his wound. "It's just so wrong." He whispered. Fate rolled her eyes. "Ponyboy!" She said snapping her fingers, "I need you to focus here." Ponyboy nodded and ripped his eyes away from the horrific scene.

Fate stood before stumbling. Ponyboy rushed to help her keep her upright. He helped her back down into her seat before sitting next to her. They were in a completely black room only with two white comfy chairs. Fate sat in one while Pony sat in the other.

Fate groaned in pain. "I need you to hurry up and heal Ponyboy." Fate said. "It's getting harder and harder to keep this evil entity from spawning and attacking your friends while you're unconscious."

Fate looked horrible. Her face was pure white and her eyes were dark. Her cheeks had sunken in and she looked to be in pain. Ponyboy nodded. "I'll try my hardest." He told her sincerely, although he didn't really know how.

Ponyboy turned his head and saw a new scene. He saw Johnny and Dally sitting against a wall, both of them smoking, both of them sitting in absolute silence. Ponyboy just watched.

His best friend and someone who he's respected and feared for so long.

He could never let them go. He could never let them die. He knew. Ponyboy knew that Johnny was going to make a difference in the world. He was going to get out there and make a difference and Dallas and the gang would be with him every single step of the way.

Ponyboy saw success in all of their futures.

Steve would go on to do something with Soda. He doesn't know what they'll do but, they'll do it together. Two-bit will get his act together. Maybe become a stand-up comedian. Darry will go back to college, he's sure of it. They'll all make it.

Ponyboy will put his life on it.

Ponyboy sat with Fate for hours. He watched as she showed him precious scene's of his parents and cried as he saw them on their wedding day. He told her stories about the human life. About the feud between the socials and the greasers. She listened as though she hadn't heard them before.

Ponyboy watched as a pretty young doctor whispered in his ear about how important it is that he wakes up soon, and how much his brothers need him.

Something happened and a lot of monitors went off.

Ponyboy just watched Soda sob and Darry worry.

Fate looked at Ponyboy. "It's time." She said simply. Ponyboy nodded as he heard Soda say something about if he didn't wake up, he'd never buy him another pepsi.

Fate kissed his forehead and he drifted.


Pain. That's all Ponyboy felt. He tried to open his eyes, and he succeeded. He heard Sodapop gasp and whisper, "D-Darry..." as if Soda was afraid speaking too loud would harm Ponyboy.

Darry rushed to Ponyboy;s other side and grasped his hand. "Pone?" He whispered softly.

Ponyboy gave him a crooked and drowsy grin. "Heyyyyyyyy Darry." He said feeling groggy. "Hiii Soda-pop!" He slurred, putting an extra pop on the 'p'.

Darry's face broke out into a wide grin of relief as Soda let tears slip down his face. "Oh, Pone. My poor baby." He cried, leaning forward to kiss his forehead. Darry let out a choked sob before saying, "I thought we lost you, like we lost mom and dad."

Ponyboy shook his head slightly before deciding that doing that wasn't a great idea. He smiled at Darry. "It's okay Darry. I'm fine, I promise, you're not gonna lose me."

Ponyboy now knew what it felt like to make both of his brothers cry in the last twenty-four hours.


After some routine checks of Ponyboy and his vitals, Ponyboy was allowed to have visitors. "Only two at a time." Doctor Pure told them regretfully. "I'm afraid my boss caught on to the whole visitor thing." Darry thanked her gratefully, before Soda just pulled her into a full on hug, which she accepted and returned. "You know," she said before leaving, "I don't understand why people treat you guys so differently. You're probably the most grateful family I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. If you guys need anything, anything at all, just call me."

Johnny and Dally went in. Johnny told Ponyboy about how much of a hero he was at school, and how people thought he was so brave. Ponyboy smiled through every bit of it. Not the hero bit, no that wasn't important to him. He just loved the fact that he and Johnny and Dally were all in the same room alive.

"Hey, Johnny." Dally said softly. "Can I have some time with Pone? Alone?" Johnny nodded and left the room, leaving a quiet Dally and a confused Ponyboy.

Ponyboy looked at Dally. "Dal? Is everything okay?" Dally stood and looked at Ponyboy. "Shut up." He said before crossing his arms. "Why'd you do it? Why'd you save me? You've never shown any any type of-of- I don't know! I wanna know why you saved me." Dally said throwing his hands up in the air and running his hands through his hair in frustration.

"I-I don't know. Impulse I guess?" Ponyboy sighed and told him with a shrug. It wasn't like he could tell him the truth. There's no way Dally would believe him.

"No, no that's not good enough" Dally said angrily. "That's not fucking good enough, Ponyboy. You almost died. Are you getting that part through your thick skull?"

Ponyboy snapped. "Yes, Dallas, I am getting that part through my fucking thick skull. Do you understand that the same fucking thing could happen to you?" He said angrily. "How do you think Johnny would feel if you just fucking died? Do you think he could cope with that? Cope without you?"

Dally stared at Ponyboy in shock. Nobody talked to him that way...but, the kid was right. Dally glared before turning to leave.

"Hey, kid?"




Two-Bit soon entered Pony's hospital room.

"Hey, Two-bit." Ponyboy greeted as he noticed Two-bit didn't have a carefree grin. He didn't have his signature smile. Ponyboy braced himself.

"Goddamn it." Two-bit told him as he began pacing around the room. "Goddamn it Ponyboy I am so fucking mad at you."

Ponyboy just held his head in his hands.

"What part of taking good fucking care of yourself did you not understand? I leave you alone for five fucking minutes and you go and decide to be a fucking hero?" Two-bit stopped before sitting down and groaning.

"You gotta stop this Ponyboy. I don't know how you plan on doing and I don't care how, but you gotta put in end to whatever the fuck is happening here. Or you're gonna end up killing me and your brothers."

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